Chapter 56

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Gauri's friends collectively decided that she needed to come out of the room and get some change of place. Mithila offered to take her to their mansion since Gauri was close to the kids and they might take her mind off the disturbing event.

To everyone's relief, Diya and Akhil served as effective therapy for Gauri. The innocence of the toddler combined with naughtiness of the elder sister worked wonders in improving her mood. She slept through the night hugging the kids and they clung to her like baby bears making her sleep free of the scaring images.

Determined to push the incident to the back of her mind, Gauri decided to spend the coming days with the kids until her husband returned home.

With much hesitation, she called her mother in law to ask her permission. Jhanvi, who thought that her daughter in law was missing her husband and wanted a distraction, readily agreed to the arrangement reassuring that Omkara will return soon and get her back.

It was an early evening, two days after the unpleasant event and Mithila was yet to come home from the college. Gauri and Akhil lazed around the terrace swimming pool while Diya being an energy ball played hopscotch alone.

"Gauri," she shouted again.

"Get up and play with me," she called out as she panted.

Gauri, who laid back on the beach chair with Akhil hugging her and fast asleep, lazily opened her eyes.

"I am bored playing alone," Diya said stopping her game and running to her side.

Gauri gently sat upright, taking care not to awaken the sleeping handsome.

"Aku is sleeping Diya. We will play right after your mother comes," she smiled at the pampered kid.

Diya looked at her watch with a frown.

"Mom should have come home by now. Why is she late?"

No longer did she say those words, they heard their car sound a horn as it entered the Mansion gate.

"Mom is here," Diya screamed making her brother frown in his sleep.

"Shh, you are waking him up," Gauri rebuked and Diya zipped her mouth shut.

"Come, let us go down to greet her," she said in a whisper and the little girl nodded her head. Turning around, she ran down the stairs while Gauri slowly stood up cradling the little boy to her chest.


The first thing Omkara did after reaching Oberoi mansion was to go straight to his room in search of his wife.

He barely spoke to her in the past two days owing to his busy schedule and his wife's secret rehearsals. Determined to give her a warm hug and a much needed miss you kiss, he called out to her.

"Gauri," he searched in his sister-in-law's room when he didn't find his wife in his bedroom.

A house help was taking coffee to one of the rooms and he stopped her to ask for information.

"Didn't Gauri come home yet?"

"No sir," came the reply and he gave a disappointed nod.

"Omkara, you came in early," he heard his aunt's voice and turned around to look at her walking towards him.

"Choti maa," he greeted and she smiled back.

"When did you come?"

"Just a few minutes back."

"Okay, should I ask someone to send you anything? A coffee perhaps?"

"Uh, no. I am good. When is Gauri coming home, any idea?"

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