Chapter 46

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Gauri looked around the classroom to find a place for herself. Amongst the class of various age groups, she found a seat empty beside a girl who seemed to be close to her age.

She walked timidly and reached the girl's side to smile sweetly.

"Can I sit here?"

"I don't own the institute," came the reply.

As the girl turned her head away, Gauri frowned but sat in the seat she choose.

"Don't mind her, she is a bit off," a friendly voice sounded from behind her and Gauri turned to look at a woman who seemed to be in her mid-thirties pleasantly smiling at her.

"Make yourself comfortable, the class will start in sometime and the professor is strict," said the lady.

Returning a warm smile, Gauri nodded and gave a glance to the arrogant girl beside her.

"My name is Mithila," said the woman extending a hand.

Gauri slightly shifted in her place so that she could give a proper handshake.


"I know," she replied making her look in question.

"Arjun sir told us," she clarified.


"Me and Himani like him so much," she added.


Mithila gestured towards the girl beside her and Gauri raised an eyebrow.

"Is it her name?" she asked in a whisper and Mithila grinned.

"Isn't today the starting of the college? How do you guys know each other before and even about Arjun sir?"

"We joined last year but we could not clear our exams. Though my husband is supportive, I had my children to take care of. Himani on the other hand..." she stopped getting a glare from the said girl.

"Well, she will tell it when she knows you."

Gauri who was seeing the rapport between the two silently nodded her head in understanding.

Why did the girl not like her?.. she couldn't help but wonder.

"It is not your fault really, she isn't that open to new people," Mithila reasoned but she could note the hesitation.

Gauri was about to say something when the rest of the class stood up to greet the teacher of their first lecture. Letting the matter rest for then, she stood up in respect for the professor before he asked them to settle down and started the lesson for the day.


Gauri sat in silence as Arjun ordered his lunch in their college canteen.

"How did your classes go? Getting along with your classmates?" he asked noting the lost look on her face.

She looked up to stare at him for a second before she nodded and faked a smile.

Arjun raised an eyebrow.

"Any problem?"


"Okay, lets eat then?" he asked and she nodded.

"You said you will tell me about Mehar?"

"Oh that," Arjun said with a smile as he put the first spoon of food into his mouth.

"Hmm," she said taking her first bite.

"Mehar was our college's queen bee and like everybody, I had a crush on her."

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