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Jungkook gathered up all his books and belongings, quietly preparing to leave as the last class of the day was over.

He must have actually took a few minutes since by the time he had slung his bag over his back, there were only a few people left in the room with him.

He was about to reach for the door handle, buried in countless thoughts.

But oh so suddenly, he felt a merciless force harshly grab the back of his bag, throwing him backwards like a damn ragdoll.

He groaned, butt making contact with the ground and he winced at the contact.

He slowly looked up and around, pissed and confused about what, or who caused it.

Yup, as he had thought. There were people.

Tall, people, surrounding his small figure.

"Not so fast, pretty boy."

Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

In reality, those words were terrifying, the voice that spoke them sounded like thunder, striking those who were unfortunate enough to have to hear that tone.

But not to Jungkook.

He had to bite back a smirk, these boys had no idea what they had just gotten themselves into.

"What's a no good weakling like you doing here anyways? Don't you know to watch your back~?" Another one sang.

It just made Jungkook all the more amused.

The more words spoken, the more his annoyance grew.

They're wasting what? 5 minutes out of his whole day?

Or maybe he could stretch it out, torture them to make sure that he had his fun too.

His patience decreasing, he played along.

"Wh-what? What do you want from me?"

The voice he spoke in was sweet, sugary, and also laced with fear, confusion, and conflict.

This seemed to make the pathetic bullies even more confident, as he could see that all of their hideous smirks that rested on their dark faces of hideous scars grew even wider.

One even came forward and prodded his stomach with his feet.

"Damn, you're going to be a good one aren't you." He, or, it spoke, voice disgusting and tainted in lust.

"Like, come on, look at that ass"

Wasn't this supposed to be a public highschool?

Jungkook almost cringed, but the very thought of what he was going to do to them made his relax.

Wow, they still didn't realize that it was them who were the victims here

"This, is going to be fun."

Just like that, a twisted Cheshire cat grin grew on his face, pushing all seen innocence out of it.


There were five of them.

Five to torture to his hearts content.


{Tw: gore. Do not read if you are sensitive to graphic descriptions.}

Jungkook stood, pouting adorably at what lay in front of him.

Dead bodies.

Five of them sprawled, decorating the floor perfectly, the blood steadily oozing out of the open large gashes, and eye sockets.

Their eyes had been gouged out, body parts dislocated, limbs broken.

What was left of their lips were hanging open, both because of the terror they had felt, the pain, and the fact that their jaws had been cut open, or, torn open by bare hands.

There was more to be explained, traumatizing descriptions of what Jungkook had done to them.

But let's not go there, eh?

The said boy now pouted more.

They hadn't lasted as long as he thought he would, only a few hours or so.

But god, it had been amazing.

He walked over to one, placing his thumb on his temple, which was coated in a dark red metallic substance.

Yes, he could see it, he could see what they had did to Taehyung before.

He was a regular victim of their bullying.

Of course they would target an innocent pushover like him.

Jungkook closed his eyes tighter at the visions, visions of them teasing his dear Taehyung, pushing him around.

At last, the noirette opened his ethereal eyes, tempted to rip the already lifeless bodies to shreds.

But, he was more clever then that, besides, the disgusting creatures wouldn't even feel it as they had already had the life sucked out of them by sheer pain.

And he did not want to get himself coated in the disgusting substance that was their blood and insides.

He smiled as he saw the look of pure agony etched onto each of the masterpieces that he had made.

They deserved what they did to them.

He clicked his tongue with a smirk as he stared at the gore sight in front of him before muttering something under his breath, eyes flashing a crismon red.

"Oh father~ I have a surprise for you."

Light footsteps along with the quiet but creaking sound of door closing could be heard in the background as the noirette boy exited the classroom, which now stunk with the stench of dead, rotting bodies and blood.

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