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Taehyung didn't know why, but at that scentence which left Jimin's mouth, he felt his throat go dry. (Hey that rhymed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )


Jungkook made a childish noise of disagreement.

At this point of knowing Jungkook, Taehyung literally wouldn't be surprised if the boy blew a raspberry like a three year old.

The bunny-like boy stood up, glaring at Jimin like he had just ruined his life.

But suddenly, a smirk grew on his face.

"No, Taetae-hyung's mine." He said, as if proposing an un-opposable argument.

Just like that, Taehyung felt himself getting pulled to another chest.

Wait what? Since when was Jungkook taller than him??

How had he not noticed how tall he was?

What kind of magic??

"You don't understand what you're pulling, Kim." Jimin spat, aura becoming demonic, his eyes now screaming insane rage.

Taehyung blinked, feeling himself shaking.

Were Jungkook and Jimin fighting???

He knew that Jimin was scary when he was angry, but he'd never seen him like this.

What happened to his cutesy, pastel loving, soft but sassy best friend??

It was terrifying.

He could feel the negative energy radiating off of the two, it was almost inhuman.

As if a switch had been flicked inside of Jungkook, his whole demeanor changed yet again.

His eyes narrowed, smirk getting more dark with his sharp eyebrows raising in a challenging way.

"Oh~? I think I know excactly what I'm pulling, Park."

Okay, since when was Jungkook capable of speaking like that??

Also, where's the respect?

He was nothing but an innocent bunny baby when Taehyung had first met him.

And he still was one... most of the time.

Taehyung swallowed as he felt a dark chuckle emitting from the oldest of them all.

"Hasn't your mommy ever taught you to respect your elders~?"

Taehyung felt an arm being hooked around his waist, pulling him to the other.

"Jimin ...no.." Taehyung mumbled.

Didn't he know that Jungkook was an orphan? How could he be so mean?

But apparently, this hadn't effected Jungkook in the slightest as he could clearly see his expression growing even more amused.

"Oh, wait, you don't fucking have one." Jimin continued, giggling like an innocent little child.

The sound was melodic, sweet, but in all the wrong ways.

Jungkook didn't actually seem to give two shits about the sad fact though.

"J-Jimin, don't-a-ahh-"

Taehyung felt electric sensations as Jimin suddenly started kissing, nearly biting the back of his neck.

"Taehyung-ah." The pink haired boy spoke.

"You reek of him." He suddenly growled, his grip on Taehyung's waist growing tighter.

"Why don't we change that~?" He asked, voice going sugary sweet again.

"Jimin-stop- let me g-go-"

Taehyung was absolutely horrified, both at himself and at the other two.

He'd been through countless arguments with Jimin, hasn't spoken to him for months sometimes, and has been furious with the other.

But never had he ever, not even once in their 7+ years of friendship, been scared of him.

It was something in his voice and actions that had changed in the span of 0.001 seconds.

Jimin was now trapping his body, making it go weak in his tender touch.

He desperately looked up at Jungkook, but..

He had...disappeared?

What the hell!!? Where did he go??

"Looking for your brother.. sweetheart~?"

Taehyung felt tears sting his eyes when he felt Jimin gliding his tongue along the sensitive parts of his neck.

"J-Jimin-" He forced out

"I thought you l-liked Jungkook??"

He heard Jimin let out a dark, but equally ethereal giggle.

He smirked, pushing a gasp out of Taehyung's throat as he slid a hand underneath the boy's shirt, the cold, almost magical touch making him shudder.

Maybe it really was magical, because it's the last thing he felt before he slowly felt himself loosing consciousness.

He wasn't even able to catch the last words leaving Jimin's mouth.

"Mmm, you really did fall for that, didn't you~?? My innocent baby."

°𝕄𝕀ℝℝ𝕆ℝ𝕊° | TaekookHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin