Chapter 5 - Madison

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Where am I?

I stretch, slowly blinking my eyes open.

The bed feels different. Comfier.

I run my hand over the silken sheets. That's strange, when did they change my bed—?

Alert, I quickly sit up and take in my surroundings.

Soft light filters in from the huge window, lighting the light-gray walls. A giant flat screen is embedded in the wall opposite me and two doors are lined up on either side of the room.

My eyes keep scanning.

There are bedside drawers but no other bed.

I don't recognize any of it.

Could this be our hotel room but...where is the other bed?

Vanessa and I were supposed to share a hotel room. This room is far too nice to be from a hotel.

Panic grips me.

My mind starts to race with so many possibilities.

Where is Vanessa? Did she abandon me? Is she okay? Was she kidnapped meanwhile I was dead asleep?

We were supposed to share a room with two beds dammit!

She wouldn't leave me alone unless...

No, I can't think that way.
It must be some misunderstanding but then, where could she be? Oh God, I need to get out of here.

Tossing the sheets aside, I search for my phone.

My phone—where's my phone? And bag?

Heart racing, I spot it plugged in, charging, my bag at the foot of the bed. I lunge for it and make my way over to one of the doors but before I can open it a soft knock sounds. I stop in my tracks, glancing around. There's no one else to open it but me. With a shaky hand, I slowly turn the knob and have to blink a few times because standing on the opposite side is probably one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen. If not the most beautiful.

Maxon stands there, looking as if it weren't so damn early in the morning. His hair is tousled in a sexy way and his long sleeve hugs his muscled body perfectly. He appears as if he just came from a light jog.

"Hi." He offers me a timid grin as he stands there, gorgeous emerald eyes locked on mine.

My mouth dries up and I find myself rasping, "Hi."

His grin widens then he clears his throat. "I-uh-wasn't sure if you were awake or not but—" he takes me in then my bag, his eyes darken for a moment. "Where are you going?"

I glance down at my bag and realize I'm not wearing any pants. Oh. My. God. I barely recall taking them off.

I am completely mortified. "God," I chuckle nervously as he stands there watching me. "I-I was leaving but now I see-I'm not even dressed." I cringe at how stupid I must look.

"Where to?" He doesn't seem bothered as he stares at me. Then I realize something else. This isn't my shirt. "Who's shirt is this?"

I just about die when he answers, "Mine."

My mouth closes and opens like a fish. God, I must look ridiculous and stupid right now. How? What is going on with me? I'm never this lousy. Am I jet-lagged or is it just this man's presence? He needs to get away if this is what he does to me.

His eyes soften as he takes me in. I'm sure he's feeling pity for me right about now. "I brought you some...personal items Vanessa requested for you." He hands me a bag I hadn't noticed he carried. I take it and rifle through it, finding every kind of tampon and pad you can think of. Of every brand variety too. I might as well be dead because this is the worst start to the day I've ever had. "I wasn't sure which ones to get you since she didn't elaborate much but," he shrugs and I sneak a look at him. His cheeks are an adorable pink and for a second I can't believe I'm seeing a guy this hot blushing over this. "If—"

"I'm sorry she had you do this but I need to get changed and look for Vanessa." I rush out and slam the door shut in his face. God, I lay a hand across my forehead. It's burning with embarrassment. Vanessa so has to explain herself because this isn't funny. At all.


I quickly get changed and open the door, feeling much better and fresh. I stop when I see Maxon leaning against the opposite door. I thought he would've left by now. He smirks at the sight of me, "Glad to see you're ready for your day."

I tighten the hold on my bag and tell him. "Thank you for buying...thank you for buying the products but it wasn't necessary. Vanessa shouldn't have made you go out and buy them." I take in a deep breath and let it out. He gets me nervous and I need to calm down. I pull my wallet out of my bag and ask, "how much do I owe you?"

He seems genuinely surprised by my question but quickly masks it with a shake of his head. "There's no need for that. That was all me."

"I insist." I tell him but he only answers with, "And I insist on not worrying about it." He shoots me a wink. "Maybe you can make it up to me another time?"

His eyes round almost as if he wasn't expecting himself to say that. My jaw drops because I sure as hell wasn't expecting that. Is he...flirting with me?

I don't like that idea. Not at all. I just broke up with Bryan and I am nowhere near going for a guy like this. Nope. No more hot guys for me.

My stomach curdles and he must notice because he pushes off the door and takes a step toward me. "Madison I—I didn't mean for it to sound that—"

"Woah, what is going on here? Begging already, Maxon?" Luke glances at us from the end of the hall where he's sipping a cup of coffee. Looking completely jovial about it all.

"What are both of you up to?" His eyes bounce between both of us but I ignore that twinkle in his eye. I grab Maxon's folded-up shirt and hand it to him. "Just talking with your friend. I take it we are at your house?" I ask Maxon and he only nods.

I hold back a breath as I turn to Luke. "Where's Vanessa?"

He gestures toward the other side. "Opposite side of the pent. She's sleeping."

I nod and walk past them without saying a word. I only hear a soft whistle from Luke as I walk past and head for my best friend's door. She and I need to talk. Now.

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