Chapter 20 - Madison

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"No." I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm not going."

"Please," Vanessa begs. "I promised him you would go on a date. Just one. It was the only way he would let us go to New York on such short notice."

Yup. You heard that right. That bargain Vanessa made with our boss? Included me. I go out on a date with him in exchange for us leaving for New York. If I had known this was part of the deal I would've never gone. Which is why Vanessa had held back telling me until now.

"Vanessa, he's our boss. I told you I wouldn't go out on a date with a co-worker and that's exactly what you went and did!"

I wish I could be angrier but I'm honestly tired of this whole thing. After contemplating and overthinking for the past few days whether or not I did the right thing with Maxon, I have no more room in my mind for thoughts or problems concerning men.

"But Mad..." She whines. "It was the only way. You only need to go on one. Please."

"One too many you mean." I glance around at her tidy dorm room. After growing up in an exquisite household, Vanessa insisted to her parents she wanted a full and authentic college experience. They hesitated at first but she pulled the Luke card and they caved. They could never deny anything to both their precious children. So long as they earned it of course.

"Madi," She sighs, bringing my attention back to her. "Would it really be that bad? At least, he's hot. And he likes you so that's a plus."

I give her an are-you-serious-look. Like that will convince me to go out with him.

"You didn't want to give Maxon a chance because he's your 'friend' so I don't see anything holding you back. Or is it possible that you want to, you know, maybe go on a date with a certain someone and therefore you despise the idea of even being near Jake—"

I know she's taunting me but screw it if I don't give in. "Fine. I'll go out on one date with him, Vanessa. No more. He's my boss and I'd like to keep this relationship strictly professional. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." She salutes me and gives me a huge hug. I don't bother hugging her back since she's at the top of my annoyance list right now. "I owe you, Madi. Big time. I usually wouldn't have done that but I was desperate to get you to come with me and..." She sighs. "Don't you feel like going to New York was worth it though?"

I silently stare at her, not giving anything away.

She brings her thumb and index finger an inch apart, squinting her eye. "Not even a little? A tiny bit maybe."

I let out a breath I feel I've been holding back for the past week. "It was Vanessa. I met a really nice man." I confess.

"Hell yeah, you did. One that you just so happened to leave behind."

I swallow back a bit of sadness and the never-ending feeling of guilt I've had. Maxon made me promise to call him or text him at the very least to let him know I made it back okay. I never did. And I guess you can say my phone breaking was partly to blame but the other half was all me. I have convinced myself that he's moved on and that he's forgotten all about me. He hasn't bothered to reach out and Vanessa hasn't mentioned him much beyond his birthday. I wanted to tell her to give him wishes on my behalf but again, I'm sure he doesn't remember who I am. I was probably a short-lived infatuation is all. I'm sure there's another woman he's moved on to already.

My mouth sours at that bitter thought.

"Madi, I really don't understand why you would subject not only yourself but both of you to this. Maxon has always been fairly straightforward about what he wants. Why? Why put yourself through this?"

I haven't told her the truth. That I was falling for him. I always thought I was stronger than that but, God, he made me crumble as fast as a piece of paper.

I shake my head. "It doesn't matter anymore."

"But what if he—"

"Moved on? I'm sure he has. He never asked about me right? When you congratulated him on his birthday did he ask about me?" I can't help the crack in my voice and judging by her silence, Vanessa knows I'm right.

He never did bother to ask about me. I steel myself against the emotion building in my chest.

"Madi, I'm sure he's giving you time—"

"Stop, Vanessa." I hold up my hand, composing myself. "When is the date with him again?"

She bites her lip, hesitating.

"Well? When?"

"Don't do this to yourself, Madison. I only meant this to fulfill part of the stupid bargain. Never to make it something more."

I shrug, feigning carelessness. "We're already in the lion's den so..."

She hesitates a few more seconds before saying in a low voice. "Let me text him first."

I nod, not giving myself room to think about Maxon anymore and how much it hurts that he never bothered to even ask about me. I shut my eyes, holding back tears. I know this is all my fault but I guess a part of me was testing to see if he really liked me as much as he said. If he would worry enough to reach out. Guess I wasn't worth the wait.

"He replied, he says if Friday at 8:00 pm works for you?"

I slowly nod my head. "I'm off that day and he knows it. Tell him I'll see him then."

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