Chapter 33 - Madison

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I shower, constantly glancing over my shoulder. I don't know why a part of me expected Maxon to join me. Other than dropping off his shirt and shorts for me to wear, he hasn't come in. And even then, he didn't spare me a glance. My stomach tightens. I don't know why I feel disappointed. I've never felt this way with any other man. But with Maxon it's different. Plain and simple.

I shut off the water and wrap one of the towels he left for me over my body. I dry myself off before putting on the shirt and gym shorts he picked for me. It's a gray shirt that fits me halfway down my thigh—like one of those t-shirt dresses— and the shorts, I giggle at the sight. They hug my butt perfectly but they hang over my knees. I look ridiculous but I'm comfortable and that's all that matters. Next, I towel dry my hair since I hate using hair dryers. It always makes my hair frizzy and that's a big no from me. After finishing up, I exit the beautiful bathroom only to see Maxon sitting on the bed, looking contemplative.

I take a small step forward, towel in hand. "Hey, everything okay?" I ask.

He meets my gaze and I see he's closed himself off. I can't read him. My stomach takes a tumble. "Yeah," Is all he answers and I stride toward him until I'm standing right in front of him. I reach out to touch his cheek and he shudders the moment I rest my hand against him. "Are you sure?"

He nods then clears his throat. "I'm going to go shower." He turns his face, grabbing my hand to drop a kiss on my palm. "Don't worry about me. Make yourself at home."

I frown when he gets up and practically runs into the bathroom.

He clicks the door shut behind him and not a second later I hear the water running. I bite my lip wondering what caused this reaction from him. Is he annoyed that I'm here? What if he regrets asking me to be his girlfriend? My heart speeds up at the thoughts but a small voice whispers inside my head that that's not the case. If that's not it then what could it be? What has him so uncomfortable he won't confide in me?

I find my way back to the kitchen hoping to find a glass of water hoping it helps me swallow this knot of uncertainty forming in my throat.

It isn't hard to locate the glass but the water is a whole different story. Whoever is the owner of this house has a nice ass place but where do they get their water from? I see no gallons of water. I give up, heading for the fridge when the sound of Maxon's voice startles me. The sound of glass hitting the floor causes my cheeks to heat up. Oh my God. That's so embarrassing. I just broke the owner's glass cup.
"Maxon!" I yelp, "You scared the crap out of—"

My eyes bug out at the sight of him. He's standing in nothing but a towel. My mouth dries up at the sight of the water dripping down his broad chest down his muscled abs until it disappears under his towel. Holy shit. I think I need that water right about now.
Maxon runs up to me, telling me not to move. I stand rooted in place, watching his arms flex as he reaches for the broom and duster. That springs me into action. "Maxon, I'll clean it."

"No beautiful, I don't want you to get glass into your skin. Here, let me do it."

In all his towel glory he starts sweeping the floor and holy shit. How can someone look so sexy sweeping? I watch as his muscles shift and bunch at the movement. Once he gathers the glass in a pile, he reaches for the duster. He starts to bend over and I stop him. "No, I'll do it."

I take it from him except I realize my mistake too late. I'm at eye level with his...I gulp, his groin. I glance up at Maxon whose eyes are a deep shade of forest green and his pupils are dilated. My breath hitches as I realize he's turned on. And shit, my body starts reacting too. We stare at each other, neither one of us making a move. After a few more moments, Maxon rasps out, "I'll take that." He takes the duster from me, throwing the glass away.

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