Chapter 19 - Maxon

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It's been a week since they left.

No calls. No texts from Madison. Not even a Happy Birthday. It's like she never existed.

I roll over in bed, an arm draped across my forehead as I stare up at the ceiling. Remembering the day she left.


Luke and I walk in behind the girls who walk over to the check-in line. I try not to stare at Madison's ass as she walks away but it's no use. Her hips sway from side to side, that round ass tempting me. Throughout the week she really tested my patience. Dressing in tight jeans and yoga pants. I know she wasn't dressing provocatively but fuck, that girl can be wearing a garbage bag and she'll still look sexy as hell. I have to constantly fight an erection whenever I'm around her. But I wouldn't use her like that. My dick just has to wait because I'm determined for her to see that she means more to me than just a quick fuck. If she wants me to wait a month? I will. Two? Three? A year? Hell yes. That girl is worth waiting for.

Luke sidles up next to me, whispering. "She's leaving man. What are you gonna do?"

I stand with my arms crossed over my chest, feet shoulder-width apart, keeping an eye trained in Madison's direction.

"Don't worry. I won't let her get away."

"Dude, she's literally leaving." Luke hisses as I don't already know.

I nod my head. "I can see that. I meant if she thinks I'll give up on her? She's wrong. I'll give her time."

I turn and face Luke. "She'll go back to California. Hopefully, she thinks things through and gives me a chance."

I gave my number to Madison earlier this week. I reminded her last night and this morning to call or text me when they land. As a friend, I had told her, to let me know.

"I worry." I had said. "Please let me know as soon as you land."

"Okay." Is the only thing she had answered.

The girls are heading back in our direction, causing me to flashback to the present.

She's still here for a few more moments at least.

"I guess this is it." Vanessa reaches out to hug me then lingers on Luke. "I'll miss you, big bro."

"Me too, sis." Luke gives her a squeeze before releasing her.

Madison gives both of us brief hugs before pulling back and I reluctantly let go.

"I'll miss you," I whisper the same words I told her last night.

I expect her to say the words back but she doesn't. Instead giving me a small smile. Same as yesterday. It hurts me that she doesn't return the sentiment but I remind myself to be patient.

"Well, it was nice hanging out with you guys." Madison finishes, trying to keep a smile on her face. "Thank you Maxon for taking us into your home for a while."

All I can do is nod, emotions starting to overpower me.

Then we say our goodbyes.

Luke and I wait until they cross the gate and get on the plane. Vanessa gives us one final wave before they're out of sight. Once the plane takes off we turn away, the mood feeling infinitely more somber.

I rub at the ache in my chest.

"You alright, man?" Luke asks, concern coating his voice.

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