The Tour. - Sneak Peak | Overture | Prologue 0

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This was originally going to be the first book. Instead, I wrote Fixing Noah. Sometimes that Brock O'hurn thick body just couldn't be denied. Everyone is appearing in this book again from the Fixing Noah cast except a few characters. I wanted it to feel like a TV series or Webcomic.  


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Tags: Chick Lit, Erotica Romance, Musical, Jukebox musical, New Adult

Sabali by Normani

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Sabali by Normani

Asher by Stephen James

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Asher by Stephen James

Blurb - (early draft)
Sabali Lora is in college to be a music teacher for disabled children, like her mother. Her best friend drags her to the YouTube Red Project World Tour audition. It's a singing competition for a spot on a world tour to appear at almost every music festival in the world. Including the biggest of them all the Youtube Red Project world Tour with an estimated viewing audience larger than the world cup. The two best friends see it as one last adventure before they go their separate ways. It's an audition what does she have to lose?Asher Kells and his dead brother sold their souls for music. And when he lost his brother he figures out that the music wasn't enough. Fame comes at a price and so does happiness. I wonder what will happen when these two meet.

-Excerpt- "Instant fame, instant success, instant fans and instant expectation," the announcer turns to the camera. He smiles toothily, "all you need to do is win."

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now