25 | A Shoreline of Pine and Redwood - Part 1

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It was one hell of a week, and I'm coming back a changed woman. I was so thoroughly changed I'd wake up early. When I looked at the little mirror next to the port window, I'd see the woman in Noah's drawing books. Dark buttery skin, the kind that her mother lovingly put lotion on for her before she could do it herself. And then when she as she came of age did it herself. Growing into her thick thighs and thick body with joy. Long box braided hair oiled. Lips made for kissing, fat in the best possible way. Pillows of love. Shiny brown eyes... And it went on and on. Then my shaky fingers would rub the mirror and still finding her again looking back at me. I was hired to Fix Noah, and he ended up fixing me. I wanted to find Noah, and he ended up finding me. That woman in the mirror, I smiled back at her, and I think she smiled back at me.

My clothes were on quickly, I grabbed what I needed and headed for the deck. A deep salty breath as the sailing boat chased seagulls along the edge of the shoreline. A friendly albatross eyed up the top of the mast and the empty crow's nest. It was a morning worthy of my camera and I was taking pictures later. But for once those pictures weren't for work they were just for us. We had pictures for us. I did a little happy dance; we were officially together. Yes, nerd brain that sounded like high school to me too but it's a big fucking step. I went into a second happy dance on the deck.

We did it.

Happy tears fell that I didn't want Noah to see. I'm not sure why he doesn't believe in happy tears but I'm not rocking the boat. We are on track and we are staying on track. Even though the marina dock is just a few hours out. Plus, our drive back to civilization I'm holding on to. I got the kid's party to prepare for and I still have to wrap Sims gifts. Third happy dance space camp. I wasn't looking forward to my Ex's party for the kids but I was interested in her getting that gift.

I think the bow of the ship is becoming my favorite place in the world. The memory of sex on that bow full supermaning me to ecstasy had me giggling. The fourth happy dance and I was ready for a happy dance party. It wasn't simply good sex loving sex it was the connection.

"I have you," he said. He said it like he was never letting go either. And has the winds of fortune below in the white sails the boat speeds up. My box braids kick the winds and the dawn lifts into the sky with the full confidence of the day. The warmth of the sun heats my dark skin, and I spread lotion on it. Before my final half day is over I have to get all the pictures for a week. The pictures I should have got instead of making love to and sometimes fucking Noah.

A week worth of pictures taken in a single day, great. Oil base lotion mix for my skin while still wet and then a shea butter lotion after that so two later. Sealing in all that moisture. I even do a tiny bit of white mineral sunscreen on my nose. I've yet to have it burn but if I'm that's going to be the spot. The mini picture adventure I was ready for it. Everything about my day was wings out and toes tip in the water. I was skimming those blue waves like all the other birds do. Humming to myself I saved my joyous sounds and got my day started for real.

I grabbed the camera and got to work on all the pictures we should have taken. I even left the second camera recording the water and sails. So many birds I've never seen this many birds sailing. With the camera out at the bow of the ship I open my arms. Smiling at the birds that I too had finally figured out how to be a part of the ocean and fly too. It was peaceful in a way that I haven't had in so long. I didn't want the vacation to be over. As much as I missed the kids and everything else. I didn't want this to end yet.



Picture after picture and all the gorgeous ocean life. The smell of pine and redwood growing and mixing with the salt. It wasn't just the front of the ship that birds were racing the boat; it was at the back as well. Maybe they mistake Noah's ship for a fishing boat.

Fixing Noah / Finding Noah - #ForNoah | +18 | BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now