13 | Broccoli Gate L

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The Lora Music, Learning, and Arts Center, CA.

Waiting outside the Lora Center wasn't a first for me. Over the last year, I was in and out of the place running errands for Sabali. She owns the learning center in memory of her mother who created it. Every year Noah donates a boat in a fundraiser to help the center. It was one of the highlights of the YouTube Channel that eventually turned into the One Night Only Event.

I went over to Jo-Lee's car and took my kids out. Jo-Lee and her daughter then gave me a kiss on the cheek. Bonabell looking older each year is a little weird. I knew this girl her whole life almost and it's always funny watching kids grow up before your eyes. One second you close your eyes and they are kids the next it's almost time for them to graduate from high school.

Ade took off his cape and handed it to me. Shocked. Little Man doesn't like to be without his Lando cape. He wears it to school and even puts it above his head when he goes to sleep. The only place he doesn't wear it is around his dad's house. I put the cape into my car and follow my kids into the Center with Jo-Lee and Bonabell.

The kids running around the Center were loud. It was the kind of creative bedlam that had a touch of Chucky Cheese but in a good way. With tons of smiling faces. Without that sugar, grease fat punch that Chucky Cheese has to it. In some of the side rooms, kids were practicing with musical instruments. Others were meeting with a tutor for school.

Ade's hand slips from mine as he runs into the crowd of people. I think maybe someday he might run track because he tends to have only one running speed.

Ade pulled on the corner of Noah's flannel. When Noah bent down to his level he still looked monstrously bigger than Little Man. Little Man lean into Noah whispering into his ear. Noah smiled and took off his flannel shirt leaving him in his henley. He then wrapped the huge flannel shirt around Ade giving him back his cape. The flannel shirt was way too big and dragged a little on the ground. He looked less like Lando and more like a Superman Lumber Jacker. But Little Man's smile was beaming like a star. Sim padded his back once the cape was fully secure.

"I am sorry for leaving without telling you goodbye," Noah says to the two kids. Sim thinks about his words her mouth shrinking up in that think way she has. A complete tell for her really breaking down what someone is saying and turning it over in her head.

"Ok, I forgive you, just don't do it again. It's not nice." Sim said. With him leaving they were friends too. They had fun together over that year. That's what made the whole thing even more messy and complex.

My son and daughter chattered at Noah with so much enthusiasm. Telling them about the new house and their new baby brother Luis. He sat back and folded his big legs cross-legged on the carpet. Noah still manages even sit to tower over the two kids. Neptune's smile is so big as he listens to their avengers without him. I'm even hearing about stuff I didn't hear about. They explained about cool nights and pretty colors that he should see too. How the colors made them feel and that they missed him. That they missed his pictures and the boat. Zoey's house was nice and they miss it and that panged in my heart. The apartment is tiny in comparison. Technically the room they stayed in together is bigger than our apartment in the new place. Two kids together barely let a moment slip by without one of them filling the word gap. Noah just nodded along smiling at some bits. I wonder why they never talk to me like this. Maybe because when they tell me about their day I don't stop what I'm doing and wait for them to get everything out. The way Noah listens to them it's like he gives their lives the weight of giants. As if every word is important and each adventure is vital information. Even with Noah's long hair that blocks his eyes from time to time he makes eye contact and pays attention. That piece of information is that the new house is scary and big sometimes. That they like their little brother even though he farts sometimes. All of it is key information to Noah and he treats it as if it's the most important thing in the world. I have got to remember to stop and just listen sometimes with them. No distraction, dish cleaning, or food making, and just listen.

Sim pats Noah's shoulder and looks a little worried. Then she whispers about going to see his artwork at the museum. His surprise is clear when his head turns to me filled with real shock. His ocean gaze is overflowing with scrutiny but not the ugly kind. No, it was the kind of careful study as if he was taking me part but also putting me back together in a good way. I don't think he was mad about it but just surprised I took them to see it.

"It was so big it was like walking into an Ocean." She says to Noah.

"Like the little boat in the sea," Ade chimes in. "You shouldn't go by yourself anymore. It's going to make you sad." Ade's hand was on Noah's shoulder and it reminded me so much of last night. Always trying to make it better my Little Man.

"I will try to remember that next time. A boat is better with friends." He says to the kids. They both nod and keep telling Noah everything with so much excitement. Letting Noah meet with the kids at the Center when I knew he was going to be here was bending our agreement. Not that my Ex and I made a true agreement about Noah and where I was going to work. The thing about it is it was the right choice all the same to bend things. They needed closure either to say goodbye to Noah forever or simply to see he was alright. It was the right move. I wasn't going to double-guess myself about it. I let them have their time together as Noah headed to the piano to play and the kids followed him.

A/n: thank you for reading. As always remember to comment and share and star and (and and and all that stuff lol). Yall hanging out with me while I pumped this out is super neat. The edits won't happen until we are a bit deeper into the book and I'll be going in and fatting up certain scenes. Or just making it dirtier as well like the green room scene. So, subject to change fatting up not subject to red con.  Thanks again for the support! We are slowly moving closer to the correct post day again. I also have a bunch of parts coming up soon. Because the new book out for me is the Tour has parts needing to be posted at the same time. I am not doing the 24-hour part rule if a sex scene is suspended. This is a rare thing though.  It's just The Tour project has a release date for Watty's entry. 

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