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****Here is another chapter. Enjoy!*******

After a long day, dealing with Emma's hangover, visiting the clinic with Michael, and going back to examined and getting the fossil ready to be shipped to California, We were sitting in the hotel packing to finally go back home. This trip had become a wave of emotions, starting with the discovery of the mysterious diamond ring that was sitting in my pocket. I couldn't put it back on, specially after what it did to me. I was holding it in my hand, something that can solve so many of my problems, but also become my biggest problem. I was having an internal battle with myself, trying to figured out, if I tell Emma or continued keeping it a secret. 

The strange Ethan guy, didn't show up last night or the whole day. I din't know if he was dead or alive and I din't want to find out. The events from the previous nights, were stuck in my head. I did things, that I never thought I could possibly do and that included the passionate kiss, I shared with the guy who kidnapped me. 

 His  words 'If you keep it, you will die and I can't allow that' Echoed inside my head. Why was this diamond so dangerous for me to keep? and why did he cared about my safety?

What about the vision I had, and the lady? Who was she?'They will come for you' her words  were also going through my mind. Who was she referring to with They? The more I thought about it, the more confused I became. I was so ready to go back home and be back to reality.

Surprisingly, the trip wasn't that bad. We made it back around 6:00 PM, got a taxi, and went to Emma's apartment to pick up my car. We were so exhausted from the trip.

"Finally!" Emma shouted entering her apartment "My whole body hurts from being on that plane seat" She groaned and stretch

 I yawned and threw my luggage on Emma's living room. "I feel so tired and drained, hows the hangover?" I asked with a smirk.

Emma rolled her eyes and rubbed her forehead "Don't remind me please!" I sat next to her on the couch "But you had fun with Michael," I said chuckling.

"I did and I also got his number" She winked at me

I lifted on eyebrow at her "So... it's going serious?"

She shrugged "I guess..." She paused and walked to the kitchen "Want something to drink?"

I shook my head, stood up, and got my car keys and luggage. Emma looked at me confused "You aren't staying here?" I let out a big sigh "No, I actually love my bed and miss it so much"

"Whatever!" Emma threw a piece or cupcake at my face "Ouch!" I complained rubbing my cheek.

 "Just go, before I kill you," she said glaring at me.

"OK!" I raised my hands in defense  "Good thing, tomorrow is the weekend," I exclaimed walking towards the door with my luggage. 

"Yes...So?" Emma asked drinking what looked like juice, or so I hoped

I opened the door and stuck my tongue out her "I don't have to see your annoying face" 

"Bitch!" Emma shouted while I closed the door from her apartment. I chuckled and walked towards my car, placing my luggage in the trunk. I got on it and drove home, humming to a few songs on the radio. I finally made it home, but left all my stuff on the trunk, except for the mysterious object that was still on my pocket.

I took a deep breath and let it out before turning the key and opening my apartment door. The familiar place gave me the peace I needed. I walked to my room and fell backwards on the bed, staring at the ceiling. My mind wondered again, to the way the diamond made me feel and what it did to Ethan. I stuck my hand on my pocket and took the diamond out. The familiar brightness invaded my face. I could see every part on it. The diamond was created with such detail and attention. How was it possible for an object so simple, to hold so much power? The light from the moon coming from my window, hit the diamond creating rainbows all over it. It was indeed beautiful.

A noise outside my window brought me back to reality. I put the diamond back in my pocket, got up slowly from my bed and walked to the window. My breathing began to increase the closer I got to it. I made it to the front and carefully opened the window. The fresh air landed on my face. I looked around, but nothing seemed to be suspicious.

"Animals" I let out a big sigh. I closed the window and was about to walked back to my room when a hand came out of nowhere and slapped me right on the face. I fell down hard, wincing in pain "Aah....Oh god!"  I tried standing up, but my vision became blurry. Blood began dripping down my face, landing on my mouth and giving me a metallic taste.

I heard footstep getting closer to me. I lifted up my head and saw a tall blonde women standing right in front of me smirking. I tried dragging myself away from her, but she knelt down and grabbed both of my hands "Where is it?" She asked with a cold tone. 

I looked at her confused for a few seconds, before realizing she was talking about the diamond on my pocket. I didn't answer, so her grip on my arms, became stronger "Aaaah!" I winced in pain.

"Tell me!" She shouted, her eyes now turning into something I have never seen. Her pupils where slit and green, like a cat or lizard. I tried getting off her, but she tightened her grip even more. 

"Please...." I pleaded "Let me go, I don't know what you are talking about," I exclaimed. She gave me an evil smirk, let go of my arms, and grabbed me by the hair, dragging me through the floor.

"Let go of me!!" I shouted again

"You will still die tonight!" She shouted. tears began forming in my eyes, while I struggled to break free form her, but she was to strong. "Help!" I shouted hoping to get someone to help me.

"Do you really think, someone will hel--" The women was interrupted by a massive kick, sending her flying in the air. I turned around to see a furious Ethan standing by the window. His eyes, were bluer than ever. 

He picked me up from the floor "Are you OK?" he asked, examining my face. I nodded and gazed at the kitchen. The women stood up, slamming both of her hands on the counter.

"Do you really think, you can protect her," She asked, with an evil smirk. Ethan pushed me slightly behind him. "Leave now, or you will regret it" He threatened her.

"I will leave, until she gives me what I came here for!" She launched again at us, making Ethan pushed me on the couch and grabbing the women by her neck. He slammed her on the floor and got his face close to her. His eyes, emitted a shiny blue light, making the woman freeze on the floor.

"You will go and forget she exists," He told her, gazing at her "Return back to your shitty planet"His eyes finally left hers. The light from Ethan's eyes disappear and the woman got up slowly, walking to outside without saying a word. She opened the door and left without even looking back at us. 

I sat on the couch, with my eyes wide opened trying to figured out what happened. Ethan noticed my concern face "Now you see why you have to give me the diamond?" He exclaimed.

My heart was going to jump out of my chest. I was almost murdered by a strange cat lady and the hero that saved me, was the same man I almost killed in Alaska.

"What is going on?" I asked breathing rapidly "Tell me the true!" 

Ethan got up slowly from the floor and that's when I noticed a shiny blue object, hanging form his neck. It was a necklace and it contained gorgeous blue diamond on it. 'You must take care of it and find the rest before they do' The ladies voice echoed through my head again. then all began to make some sense.

"You have a diamond too" I whispered.

**********short chapter, but next one will be longer. Please vote and comment, I will really appreciated. Thank you for the support.************

DiamondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora