CHAPTER 41- HOME? ~Farhan💀

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F A R H A N :-

Gentle breeze caressed my face, so serene it almost feels so real, so gentle, the type of breeze that flows through your garden making you soak that moment forever, the gentleness along with it is so peaceful that lulls you to sleep.

That's what I am feeling right now, calm, serene, peaceful.

Peeling my eyes open my eyes met the sight of large white mystic clouds on a clear blue sky, the white on blue looked so perfect together, as if the blue skies exists for those clouds.

Slowly confusion morphed me as I noticed my surroundings, getting on my elbows I looked below me to see that I was laying on a ground? When did I came here? Getting on my feet I dusted off the mud on my clothes.

What am I doing here? Where is everyone? There were only trees surrounding me in this open area, there is so much mist on the ground as if I were on a hill. The only sounds were few chirping of birds and swoosh of winds around me. Tightening my coat I became aware of the fact that I don't remember wearing this coat, or this clothes in fact.

Panic settled in my chest as I started suspecting my surroundings, where is everyone, why am I alone here? Was I kidnapped? Why can't I remember shit? The last thing I remember was being with Ayesha and... where is she? She was with me, where did she went?

"Ayesha?" I called out,

Nothing but only rustling of soft winds were heard.

"Is someone here?" I screamed again in vail.

"Dad, mom, mina? Is someone here?" Silence. Nothing but silence. The same breeze, the same clouds now looked like a trap to me.

I started running around the trees looking for people asking for help but there was only silence. Stopping at one point I realised I was running in circles and coming back to the place from where I woke up. The sky was still the same the same blue, time doesn't seem to pass, it feels like I am struck here, alone.

Kneeling down I screamed in frustration and fear, my breath was coming harsh pants, pulling my hair I punched the ground several times, until I heard it,
A sound.

A repeated sound of what I assumed was cutting down on a wood with an axe repeatedly.

Getting on my feet, I focused on the sound which was coming from my right, slowly I followed the sound which led me to an opening in the woods which wasn't there when I ran, the sound become more clearer, my feet travelling the distance to the source of this sound,

In a few distance there was a man standing with his back to me, wearing a black coat and pants, he didn't looked old enough, might be few years older than me, he was repeatedly cutting the wood with an axe in his hands.

As I neared him, he stopped his work, marking silence against us.

Curiosity piped me, "Who are you?"

The stranger's back shook for what I assume was from a chuckle, and he shook his head.

"Where- What is this place? How did I get here? I can't find a way out." I asked desperation marking my words.

"Do you know a exit? Can you help me?" He didn't answered.

Why was he not saying anything? "Excuse me, Can you please answer my question? Do you not speak English? Please tell me where i am." I spoke in turkish hoping he might be a local who can help me.

He didn't said anything again, was he deaf? but then he heard my footsteps.

"I am requesting you, please- Are you deaf?" I bit out in frustration.

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