CHAPTER 1 - A NEW DAY ~Ayesha💕

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"Petit a petit, l'oiseau fait son nid."

"Little by little, the bird makes it's nest."

-french proverb.



August, 2015.

What is a perfect morning for you? Sounds of birds chirping happily sitting on a branch of tree near your window? Or the perfect morning rays passing through the sheer curtains and falling on your face with a cold breeze which makes the loose strands of your hair tinkle softly on your face? And being the main character, you wake up with a radiant glow and smile on your face, stretching with a cute yawn you say, "What a beautiful day." Well for me, that  is a perfect morning.

But my morning isn't perfect until my mother comes and wakes me up for the twentieth time or my annoying brother who switches off the fan and pull my cozy blanket away from me—like he is doing right now, I think he is going to face an annoyed Ayesha this early in the morning,

"MURAT, stop it and get out of my room right now!" I yelled at him, my voice groggy from sleep, grabbing a random pillow from my one of many soft pillows placed on my bed, I threw it at him and by some strong reflex he dodges the pillow.

Taking another pillow I shove it over my face. "Chill sis, calm down. Mom told me to wake you up, isn't today your first day of college after summer break, no need to go all hulk on me." Murad says moving away from my bed and draws the curtains open, so that the harsh light streams directly on my face.

I was about to drift off to sleep again but my eyes snapped open abruptly hearing three words. First day. College. Late.

All the remaining streaks of sleep vanished as the panic seized in, throwing away my pillow from my face—which hit Murat square on his face— I sat up on my knees and started searching blindly for my phone.

"Oh no, Oh no, don't tell me, what's the time? Oh shit its 6:52 am already? Couldn't you had woke me up earlier!" I screech at Murat trying to remove the tangled sheets from my legs, which made me trip down the bed, and rush to the washroom; almost falling face first on my way. Again.

"Ah! The ever so beautiful morning of Ayesha's life." I heard murat mocking, I ignored him and slammed the washroom door shut. I am already late, I don't want to be annoyed too. I almost let out a shriek seeing the bird nest of my hair and red pillow mark on my cheeks.

After taking the quickest shower of my life, I came out and saw the time, I felt a little relieved noticing I saved ten minutes which I usually utilise while taking a shower, you know thinking about my depressed life, imagining fake scenarios and a short nap. The normal.

After leaving my hair to air dry, I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a knee length white floral top with full sleeves which had a little puff down the elbows.

After blow drying made a messy bun and wore my hijab cap  and applied a moisturiser to my face along with a strawberry lip tint on my lips and a little bit on my cheeks so I don't look like I am dying from outside; After that I grabbed a matching nude pink chiffon hijab and wrapped securely around my head.

As I started rummaging through my dresser drawer to find few matching accessories, my eyes fell on the delicate single chained rose gold bracelet with an customised A on it, a gift which I got from my secret lover; Danish.

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