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A Y E S H A :-

"I could feel my seasonal depression going away." Sakina sighs taking a sip from her strawberry lemonade.

"Exactly, that's why I updated my Facebook status to 'the sun is out and so am I'" Safa says looking around the sun glimmering on the cobblestone of the cafe,

"I kind of liked winter." Sania pouts looking at the sun, "The hot chocolates, the warm blankets, god I need winter back."

I chuckle, "And freeze to death? No ma'am."

Finally winter is gone and spring has arrived, and so have we friends got to meet each other after so long.

Sania is about to start her nursing internship this summer and Safa is going to start her wedding shopping, Sakina has decided to do creative writing course this summer and well I am going to write my semester finals this summer so that I could finally graduate, so before we all could get busy, we decided to meet today.

"Okay my ladies," Sakina wiggles her eyebrows, "How's the married life going?"

Me and Sania shake our head before replying,

"Good Alhumdulliah." We replied the same and I chuckle giving her a high-five.

"So when are you giving us the good news? I am desperate to become the cool aunt." Sakina asks and I shake my head.

"Cool down, you will become one when it is time, but not right now, can't talk about Sania tho." I tease her bumping my shoulder with her.

"Oh god, no. Not right now." Sania chuckles.

"Bummer." Sakina pouts, she turns to look at me, "So how was your trip to Istanbul?"

I place my raspberry drink down, "Istanbul is magic!" I sigh remembering the magical city.

"I know right! I remember we used to live there, I was small but I still can't forget the charm of the city." Safa gushes excitedly.

"Is Istanbul really that amazing?" Sakina asks intrigued,

"Yes it is," I nod, "There isn't a single corner of the city where you won't feel like a main character."

"Uff now you are tempting me to take a trip to Istanbul." Sania sighs dreamily, "Does the dramas do justice?"

"Not entirely no, that city is a separate love story." I reminisce the moments spent in that city, "Two months weren't enough for me."

"Imagine working over there!" Sakina exclaims excitedly.

"Ahh the feels." Safa gushes. "Murat told you all even went to Izmir, how was that?"

My smile falter, my hand unconsciously went up to my neck, I clear my throat, "It was alright."

"What's with the change in tone?" Sakina raises her eyebrows.

"Nothing.." I sigh, "Farhan's relatives over there are just ain't it, you know."

Sakina nods in understanding, "Got it, the ultimate family drama."

"They are the worst I know." Sania sighs, and rubs my shoulder, "Everything is okay now, right?"

I nod, "Kind of, we didn't stayed there for long, but my father in law did planned a short two days resort trip near Izmir's outskirts. It was went good,"

After the encounter in Durrani villa, as per plan we went to the resort, but everyone's mood was still sore, it was kind of good for some lone time.

We got back from Istanbul two weeks back and I already miss my family over there.

Met by DestinyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora