How worse can this get?!

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Hey yall, sorry I havent been making chapters I've been busy planning things for my birthday (July 14th) and I've been busy making chapters for my new book that will not be published till it's finished!


Since Xavier & Izuku broke up, more drama has been starting and rumors have been spreading around once again.

"Did you know Xavier broke up with Izuku just to get with Uraraka?!"

"I heard that Xavier broke up with Izuku because he found out he was selling his body"

"Supposedly they broke up because Izuku only used him for sex"

All of that was a lie and you know who spread those lies?


All because he was angry and he didn't get what he wanted. Childish in my opinion.

"Izuku, are you okay?" Aoyama, Izuku's current boyfriend, asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just that everyone is calling me names and their saying I touched Xavier when I didn't do anything! Now everyone is back to being fake and their even more fake than they were when I caught them talking shit about me!"

"I know how hard this may be for you but you can handle it better than any of us. Now go back to being your normal self and show them that they cannot step over you!" Aoyama cheered him up "You know what, you're right. I'm not gonna let them tear me down" Izuku said standing up, walking over to his closet and picking out his outfit 

 I'm not gonna let them tear me down" Izuku said standing up, walking over to his closet and picking out his outfit 

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Xavier & Uraraka walked through the halls smiling and laughing at each other while everyone including Mina stared at them. The only thing different was Mina staring them down in disgust. "Hey Mina! What's wrong?" Kirishima ran up greeting Mina "Well..." Mina started off sighing

 "Uraraka made a plan where we would just make Izuku jealous and make him leave UA, I didn't really like the plan since I didn't have a problem with Izuku I was just kinda being a follower and now I think Uraraka is taking it too far and yes I know I flirted with him too but I was uncomfortable with being all over him and I think he liked being flirted with which caught me off guard"  Mina continued to stare at Xavier & Uraraka until Uraraka caught her staring and starting walking over to her with Xavier "Oh hi Mina! I haven't seen you since yesterday, what were doing?" Uraraka asked wearing her fake ass smile "Um I was busy studying for our english test that were supposed to do today. What were you doing?" Mina told her wearing her fake smile "I've been hanging out with Xavier and doing...other things but that's none of your business." Uraraka answered her while hugging Xavier's arm

"Yeah that's cool whatever you guys are talking about but hey Mina can you not tell Izuku about me and Uraraka? I feel like he'll have his crybaby breakdown" Xavier said jumping in their conversation "He probably already knows! Everyone in this school doesn't know how keep their fucking mouths shut! You already broke his heart what more do you want from him you selfish waste of sperm!" Mina yelled out, catching the attention of everyone in the hallway

 "Hey! What your problem?!" Uraraka pushed Mina's shoulder "My problem is YOU! You've been acting like the victim for the past few months just because of some little crush you had! Get over it you aren't in second grade anymore!" Mina turned to Xavier "and YOU! You broke Izuku's heart for no reason so tell me why would u do that to him?!" Uraraka was going to say something slick but Xavier stopped her 

"I didn't have feelings for him anymore! He was becoming clingy and annoying and I didn't like that" Xavier said crossing his arms over his chest "So why didn't you just tell him about how he was acting then instead of dating this bitch and starting rumors like a fucking child?!"

 Xavier tried to think of an answer but nothing was said "Your so fucking immature." everyone turned around and looked at who said that

 "Of course you would go after the one person I hate the most like this is some high school drama movie, well news flash, it's not so get your head out of your ass and act like a fucking adult for once in your miserable pathetic life!" Izuku said surprisingly calm. 

"What the hell is wrong with you Mina! I thought you hated him as much as I did!" Uraraka said trying to change the subject but only making it worse "I never hated him. Your the one who started this mess in the first place and you can't fix it. You know what, I don't even think you'll try to fix it because of how much of an attention seeking slut you are." Mina walked away before Uraraka could defend herself

"Look, Izuku-" 

"Don't even." Izuku then started walking away "How fucked up can this get?!" Aizawa said sitting next to Nezu, both watching what happened from the security cameras "I don't know but I do know who's getting kicked out of UA" Nezu said glaring at the footage of Uraraka & Xavier

any ideas for the next chapter? Let me know!

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