Children Cause Chaos

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"how do you know my name?" Dream asked.

Ranboo jumped, "I-I-I saw you... In the facility. Before it got destroyed... The other people called you Clay."

Dream hummed, "just call me Dream."

"Oh-okay..." Ranboo nodded, his ears going flat.

The door opened again and Tubbo cane into view with a glass of water.

"Here big man." Tubbo said, handing the water to Ranboo.

The enderman-hybrid carefully took the glass, "Thanks."

"I still don't know if I like you." Tommy crossed his arms, "especially now that I know you LEFT Ranboo!"

"I didn't know Ranboo was there!" Dream said, "if I did I would have rescued him."

"Honestly, if you had rescued me, I wouldn't have met Tommy and Tubbo." Ranboo shrugged, setting the glass down as condensation started forming.

Dream shrugged, "fair enough. But still, if I could have rescued any of you, I would have."

A tense silence fell over the four of them. It was almost noon at this point, the sun hanging high in the sky.

"I'm bored." Tubbo sighed.

Dream looked at the boys, "do you want to go do something?"

"Like out in town? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ranboo asked.

"I nearly died last time I went in town!" Tommy yelled, his tail proofing up.

"That's why I'll make you a disguise!" Dream laughed, "watch."

A red hooded jacket and red, racoon-like mask appeared in Dream's hands.

"Here," he handed the items to Tommy, "the jacket will hide your wings and ears, and you can pretend to be a raccoon shifter."

"Oh.." Tommy gasped softly as he took the things.

"Tubbo." Dream created a brown, furred vest and a yellow visor, "This will hide your wings, and as long as people don't look to closely, you'll look like a goat shifter."

"Woah!" Tubbo smiled, putting on the visor on.

"And Ranboo?" Dream smiled at the boy and created a black and white mask and sunglasses, "now you'll look like a cat shifter."

"Thank you..." Ranboo said softly, putting on the mask.

Dream smiled, "I have to put on my mask when we go out, is that alright?"

"I don't care." Tommy said, putting on the mask.

"I think I'll be okay now that I know it's you." Ranboo shrugged.

"Yeah! As long as we know it's you, I'll be fine!" Tubbo nodded.

"Alright then!" Dream clapped and stood up, "let's go to an arcade!"

"An arcade?" Tommy asked, tugging the collar of the jacket.

Dream nodded, "it's a place full of games! And you get tickets that you can trade in for prizes!"

Tommy's face lit up, "can I get a gun!?"

"If they have one!" Dream laughed.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Tubbo smiled, "I wanna shoot Ranboo!"

"Please don't..." Ranboo sighed.

"Come on, let's sneak out!" Dream put on his mask and jumped over the fence, gesturing for the boys to follow.

Tommy smiled and jumped out the window, "ohoho! This is gonna be so poggers!"

"Come on Boo!" Tubbo dragged Ranboo out the window.

"Okay okay!" Ranboo ducked just in time to not hit his head on the windowsill.

Dream giggled and shushed the boys as they snuck past the windows. Tommy risked a look inside. All he saw was the heros sitting around chatting to each other. He wrinkled his nose. Boring.

Tubbo looked around in excitement. The town seemed so... Alive! There were people around just walking, or flying.

"Dream!" A young boy gasped, running up to the hero, "can I get a photo?"

Dream smiled behind his mask, "of course!"

"Thank you!" The boy smiled, pulling out his phone and snapping the picture, "did you get new sidekicks?"

Dream looked over the the boys, "uh, yeah! This is..."

Tommy smiled brightly, "I'm Tommyinnit!"

"You shouldn't-" Ranboo sighed, "I'm... Ender."

"Andrenidae." Tubbo nodded.

"The hell is an Andrenidae?" Tommy asked.

"Mining bees." Tubbo smiled.

"That's so cool!" The boy laughed, "thank you for keeping the town safe!"

"No problem kid." Dream waved as the kid ran off.

Ranboo turned to Tubbo, "when did you learn so much about bees?"

"Oh I didn't." Tubbo started walking, "That's just the type of bee I am. I heard the Smiley Men talk about it once. Where's the arcade?"

"This way." Dream chuckled, leading the boys over

"Aw, hell yeah!" Tommy smiled as they walked into the building.

"Here. Use these to play the games." Dream turned to the boys, holding out some coins, "we'll meet at the prize counter over there in half an hour, okay?"

"Yep! Got it!" Tubbo yelled, taking the coins and Ranboo's hand.

"Tubbo! Hold on!" Ranboo laughed, barely able to grab his coins before he was dragged off.

"Wait for me!" Tommy quickly grabbed his coins and ran after his friends.

The first thing Tubbo found was a big spinny wheel. The lights flashed in colorful sparks, lighting up the numbers on the sections.

"What do you think this is?" Tubbo asked.

Ranboo took a step closer, "I think you just... Spin it?"

"Well, spin it Tubso." Tommy smiled.

Tubbo nodded and put in two coins. The lights started flashing differently and a voice came from the machine.

"Spin for a chance at the grand prize!"

Tubbo smiled and reached up, giving the wheel the hardest push he could. The wheel flashed while it spun round and round. The boys watched with baited breath as the wheel slowed.


"Yes!" Tubbo cheered as tickets started shooting out.

"Woah!" Tommy laughed helping Tubbo pick up all the tickets, "there's so many!"

"Ranboo! Hold them!" Tubbo smiled, tossing the strips over Ranboo's shoulders.

"Why me!?" Ranboo yelped, his tail flicking angrily.

"Cause you're tall." Tubbo smirked, "let's go play that one!"

Ranboo groaned as Tubbo dragged him off again, Tommy laughing as he followed them. The boys were blissfully unaware that the heros who rescued them were currently in complete panic.

Another Superhero AU Cause I'm A Sucker For Them {Sleepy Boi Inc}Where stories live. Discover now