Ch 18: Project Part 2

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Theo's POV:

Once our business class ended, the school day seemed to go by in a blur. I couldn't get over the fact that she agreed to work on the project today. I walk into my next class, which I have with Carter. I find a seat and get the stuff out for the class. Carter walks in and he does not look happy.

"What's wrong with you?" I've seen him mad before but this is a whole new look for him. He looks more annoyed than anything but still. I could've sworn that Alex said that Allison was in his last class. I'm still happy and I was only by my mate for one class.

"I'm partnered with my mate for a project but she's pissed about it because I guess she doesn't want to be around me." I'm kinda shocked. I don't think I've ever seen him act like this over a girl before. To be fair this is his soul mate but still. I never thought having a mate would change him so much.

"Well you'll have to spend time with her so you'll be able to get to know her more and who knows maybe shell dump that cheating boyfriend before he can tell her." He lets out a small smile and I can tell he's happy about the idea of her being away from that guy. I don't blame him. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be happy if my mate was dating someone else but Id be even madder if I find out that the guy is not even treating her right.

Class starts and ends before we know it. I have a few more classes before I can go home. Luckily those classes end fast and we all go get into the cars to go home. It's not a long drive but it still kinda sucks since we live a bit away from town. We pull into the driveway and go inside. I immediately rush to my father's office so I can tell him what's going on later on.

"Hey dad, so I know we don't normally have any humans that don't know about us around.....but Carter and I invited our mates over to work on our projects later so I was hoping you could alpha order everyone to leave the werewolf talk on the low while they're here," I say in all but one breath. He looks at me dumbfounded but it's reasonable. I did just ramble off to him about our mates that he had no clue about.

"Well, thanks for telling us you found your mates." He looked kinda mad but I think he understood. He didn't tell his parents about mom right away. He kept her to himself for a good month before telling his parents. "I will tell everyone to keep everything as human-friendly as possible. Now, how about you tell me about your mate."

"She's amazing. Literary is perfect. Not to mention, she drop-dead gorgeous. She is so kind and caring. Takes care of animals and wants to have her own dog grooming salon set up. I could've never thought I'd get such a perfect mate. She's everything I never knew I wanted." I keep going on and on for at least a good five minutes. I look up and see my dad smirking at me.

"You sound exactly like me when I first meet your mom. I would go for a run before your mates get here. You wouldn't want Xavier to take control and do something you'll both regret in the end." Xavier growls at his comment.

"I would never hurt mate. I just want a mate to know she's ours and is perfect and how much I want her."

"I know buddy but we cant. She's human and we could scare her off. You wouldn't want that now would you?" He whines at the thought of her leaving us. I'd be lying if I said the thought of her leaving us doesn't scare me too.

"That's probably a good idea. I'll see if Carter wants to come as well. I think it'll be good for him and Luca to blow off some steam. His mate isn't making it easy on him." My father nods and with that, I make my way to Carter's room. I ask Carter about wanting to go on a run and he says yes. We then both go outside and strip behind some trees. I shift and then walk out. Carter is just waiting for me. Once he sees that I'm ready, he gets up to take off. I follow after him and we just run as fast and hard as we possibly can.

We keep running and running. We ran to the waterfall and checked out around there. Raced through all the fallen down trees. We even checked out the borders since we had time. Before we know it, hours have passed. We were still running and ended up losing track of time. It wasn't until Carter's little brother, Caleb mind linked that our mates were there that we realized how late we were. We both looked at each other and just ran. I don't think either one of us knew we could run this fast. I know for a fact I didn't think Xavier could run this fast but I guess the thought of his mate waiting for him has put a little more fire in him. We get back to the packhouse in record time and see my mate's car. We shift back and I race upstairs to my room.

"Oh, you guys are in here. We figured you were here since we saw your car but didn't know where you guys were. Obviously, you've met Caleb, Carter's little brother." I say as I walk into my closet to change. I'm guessing Carter isn't changing and I don't really blame him. Even though his mate isn't very happy with him, Id still wants to be around mine. I hurry up and get changed. I just throw on some sweats and a t-shirt. Carter tells Caleb to leave which just leaves us with our mates.

I walk over to where everyone is in the lounge area of my room and hear Carter say something about us working right here. We take out our stuff and start working. We end up working in silence individually. I don't mind. I work on the project and couldn't help but stare at my mate. She is so gorgeous. I keep taking small breaks and look at her and then I notice she puts in AirPods. I guess she doesn't like the silence. I didn't notice that I was still staring because then the next thing I know, she's asking if I want her to take them out. I'm perfectly fine with her leaving them in. I didn't mean to make her think otherwise. I tell her it was fine and that I was just curious about the music she was listening to and instead of answering she asked if we can go somewhere else to talk and work since she didn't want to interrupt Carter and Allison. I nod my head and lead her into another lounge area in my room and then close the door. I've never been happier to work on a project before.

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