Ch 39: Interesting Conversations

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Theo's POV:

I shouldn't have mind-linked Sean. It was a disaster waiting to happen. Not only did it turn out I didn't need him, but he interrupted time with my mate. I could have been snuggling with her this entire time in her room but no. I just had to mindlink Sean and ask Sean to come over. I should've mind linked Carter but I didn't want my mate to have to lie to her best friend if Carter hasn't told her yet. I really hope he does soon. I feel kinda bad now that everyone knows but her. Sean of course agreed to help my mate with picking out Thursday's outfit. I'm just hoping she doesn't make me participate in any other days. Especially Monday. I'll never live it down as an alpha. Alex and Sean are just hanging out in the living room talking about ideas. Even though I'm happy to have her in my arms, I really wish she wasn't planning on dressing me up. I just sigh and put my nose in between her collar bone and neck, taking deep breathes of her scent. I can tell this tickles her a bit because she squirmed a little the first few times. I end up losing track of time and the next thing I know, my mate is struggling to get out of my grip. I laugh and deiced to have some fun with it. I flip us over so now I'm hovering over her and she's fully caged in between the couch and me. She was laughing and I was loving every moment of it. It wasn't until I heard an 'ehmmm' from Sean that I deiced to get up and off of her. Sean then grabs my mates and runs upstairs with her. I just sigh and shake my head. Xavier's growling a bunch not liking that our mate was just taken from us. I get up and follow them upstairs. I then find Alex and Sean sitting on the floor by her bench at the foot of her bed. I walk over and scoop her back into my lap. Now that she knows I'm her mate, there's no way I'm going to stop being all touchy with her. I look over her shoulder and notice that it's a bunch of dog ribbons, bows, bandannas, and other dog stuff. I even think she has dog dye and hair extensions. I don't get why she has it at her house but whatever makes her happy. I'll have to remind myself to turn the little lounge room in my room into a craft, dog, whatever space for her. I want her to feel welcome. After all, eventually, the room will become hers as well until we either move out onto the alpha floor or a small house on pack land. I love the idea of being alone with her in our home. I hope she likes the idea soon. I must've gotten lost in thought because suddenly I just see Sean holding up two color bows next to my eyes and Alex is trying to pick a bandanna. Xavier lets out a growl not liking what Sean's doing so he immediately stops. I then look at my mate who seems to be in deep thought about the bandanna choice. 

"I will do a bandanna. No ribbons, no bows, no coloring, and no extensions." My mate just laughs and nods her head. Meanwhile, Sean is pouting like a toddler. I just roll my eyes. 

"I can live with a bandanna but you've got to be cleaned up before Thursday. I'm thinking bath, nails, teeth, ears, and a trim." As much as I want to say no, I can tell how much this means to her so it looks like ill have to man up and deal with it. I just nod my head and nuzzle back into her neck. Sean and Alex talk a bit more but then he realized he didn't have anything for Monday so he left to go shopping. He's also apparently planning Alex's outfit for Monday as well. Apparently, she and Allison are going to stay over at the packhouse and then get a ride with us. I'm not complaining. Now that she knows I'm her mate and the truth, she can stay in my room and I cuddle her nonstop. Suddenly, it dawns on me. Its Sunday. Meaning my mate will be staying over the night with me again. I don't know how I'll deal with any separation. I've spent the whole weekend with her. I mean ya I didn't spend as much of Saturday with her as id like dumb doggy daycare, but I did get to spend a bunch of time with her. 

Since Sean left, we decided to go downstairs. Alex wanted to watch a movie and cuddle, which I have no objection to. I'm scrolling through Netflix and she's making snacks when suddenly the garage door opens. I couldn't believe I forgot her brother lives with her. Of course, he does, he's still in school as well. He walks in and sees me. He immediately makes a fist and then starts calling for Alex. Xavier and I don't like the way that he's yelling for her. Xavier keeps growling in my head about who does he think he is to yell for our mate like that. It doesn't help that Xavier's anger is feeding into my own. I'm still mad about him hurting Ally. Yes, she's not my mate but she will be a part of the pack if she accepts Carter and he hurt her which means he hurt the pack in relation. Not long after the shouting and Alex walks out. She seems unaffected by her brother screaming about how I shouldn't be here that I'm from the rival school and a spy for them and a bunch of other stuff. She just sighs and shakes her head. As she's making her way to me, her brother grabs her wrist hard. I saw my mate wince and that's when everything went red. I immediately got up and raced as fast as I could over. Within seconds, I ripped his arm off of her wrist and started to check it for any injures. I'm not a doctor but judging by how she winces when I even lightly touched it I think it could've been a sprain. Once I started thinking it was a sprain or broken, I couldn't help it. I made a fist and went to hit him when suddenly I felt something hug me from behind. I turn around and my mate hugs me. I was still physically shaking from my anger and my fists were still made, but having my mate definitely helped. 

"Please don't. he's my brother and my family. I know you're mad but I'm okay. I'm with you. I'm safe." She then snuggles into my chest a bit more and I start to inhale her scent to calm down. Xavier still wants blood for what he did to our mate but he would much rather stay with mate in his arms. She went to walk over to her brother but before she could, I pulled her back. She looks back at me and I let go of her. I watch as she walks over, ready to intervene if he does anything to harm her. 

"I forgave you after you hurt my best friend, my sister. I didn't hate you. I wasn't a jerk to you. I didn't even get mad at you when your new girlfriend decided to try and embarrass Ally in front of the whole school. I will forgive you for a lot of things because you are my brother. But you will not tell me who I can or can't see. If you try and break us up or get in between us. I will never forgive you. I appreciate you trying to keep me safe but this is where I draw the line." She then walked away before he could say anything. She grabbed her bag and her keys. "I'm going to Seans and Theo's coming. I won't be back tonight so don't wait up. Tell mom and dad hi if they come home tonight, if not ill see them tomorrow after school." With that, I followed her out to her car and we got in, and then she made her way to my house. 

The Alpha's Groomer [Semi-Paused]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ