Ch 20: Morning After

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Theo's POV: 

I start to hear people moving around throughout the house. It must be morning. I move my arm around in hopes of pulling my mate towards me but unfortunately, all I feel is a cold bed. I sit up and finally open my eyes. I first thought maybe she went to the bathroom but after a moment, I take a deep breath and notice her scent lingers. As disappointed as I am, I can't be mad. She probably went home to get dressed for school. It does make sense. I mean she doesn't have any clothes here, although I wouldn't hate the thought of her in my clothes all day around the school. Maybe it would finally make every guy stop staring at what's mine. I can feel Xavier starting to get worked up at the thought of other men looking at our mate. I grab the pillow she used and shove it into my face and take a deep breath. I would love to be holding my mate right now but this does for now. Eventually, it'll be her. I get up, shower. dressed, and make my bed. I walk downstairs and I don't think I've ever seen anything so ridiculous. 

To my surprise, Sean is in a Disney onesie and is trying to convince Carter to put on one as well. I walk in, trying to avoid the whole situation. Unfortunately, I'm not so lucky. What I wouldn't do to be with my mate instead of this drama. 

"Theo, don't you think Carter should wear a onesie with me? It would show his mate that he's fun and not such a bore." I hear Carter let out a small growl. I sigh knowing now that I have to be involved. 

"I don't even know why you're wearing one in the first place. And I'm sure Carter will be able to connect with his mate sooner or later. He doesn't need to wear a onesie." I hear Carter let out a small sigh and then look at Sean. Something is definitely on his mind. 

"I don't need to wear a onesie. And Theo thanks for standing up for me. Not that I need to justify this to either of you but I kissed Allison last night while you and Alex were in the other room." To say that I was shocked was another thing. I didn't even know they even talked. While Alex and I were in the room she wouldn't even look at him so to find out they kissed was another thing. 

"OMG YOU LYING JERK! How dare you not tell me. I'm your best friend and you didn't even bother to tell me!" I look at Sean who is now jumping around the island towards Carter. I swear sometimes he acts more like a child than my little siblings. Carter just sighs and starts telling us about how he tried asking her why she hates him and apparently she doesn't hate him. She admitted she was attracted to him and was confused because she loved her boyfriend but Carter made her feel this kind of way. Then instead of talking, he leaned in and kissed her. After Sean was done squealing, he then looked towards me. 

"Now that that's covered. Theodore, do you have anything to say about your night?" I see Carter smirk and make his way for the door. 

"There's nothing to say." I make my way over to the fridge to get something to eat. I grab an apple then go to get a muffin as well. But just my luck and Sean steps in front of the muffins. 

"I know Alex stayed the night." I immediately try to hide my shocked face. I thought my mom was the only one who knew. I don't think my mom would gossip would she? 

"I don't know what you're talking about now move. I want a muffin." With that, he just smirks and walks towards the door.

"I stopped in on you in the middle of the night to tell you that Allison and Dylan broke up. Apparently, he told her about the cheating. I guess you made quite the impression. But when I stopped in I noticed you were actually sound asleep. And I mean a deep deep sleep. I don't think I've ever seen you sleep so soundly...." He kept rambling on and about five minutes in I got tired of hearing it. 

"Just spit it out already." Xavier is on edge now great. He doesn't like the thought of Sean watching our mate while she slept. Granted we were there but still, he doesn't like that Sean watched him with his mate. 

"Anyways I thought you were dead or something so I walked over to the bed and notice that you were quite literally covering her. Like your head was stuffed into her neck and your arms were tight around her waist. I'm honestly surprised you didn't hurt her with how tight you were holding her." Xavier growls again. He's really on edge now that we have had her stay the night and are now feeling the sparks. With that, I leave and get into my car. 

I make my way to school and head to my homeroom. Let's get this over with. I wait for my mate to come and nothing. The warning bell and actual class bell ring and no sign of her. The teacher is walking around checking stuff and I take this time to text Alex. I don't get a quick response so I just assume that she is busy getting ready. I finish up class and check my phone. Still nothing. This is going to be a long day if she doesn't show up. Maybe if she is not here by the end of the next class, I'll take off. Let Xavier run around and possibly check on Alex's house. 

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