Ch 31: Dogsitting Day 1

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Alex's POV:

I've felt awful about not being able to talk with Theo. It's not like I'm purposely avoiding him. Monday was chaotic. After finding out what happened between Dylan and Casey, I haven't really been able to think clearly. My own brother, my DNA, decided that popularity was more important than another person's feelings. He decided that by showing his relationship with Ally, he could show more "power", "status", "importance" because her family was successful like ours. So apparently that meant if he was with her, he'd have a better chance of getting into Mount Saint John. I never thought that school was so important to him. I'm not going to lie, I am kinda confused why Theo, Carter, and Sean transferred. From what my brother was saying, that schools like the best of the best. Anyways, I ended up avoiding Dylan for a bit and it was actually pretty easy. On Monday, I went to Ally's to tell her. She had at her right to know after all. Not only did we talk about that but apparently she and Carter have been getting along pretty well. Then Tuesday, I worked and just was too exhausted to meet up with anyone. Wednesday I had to help out with the school planning homecoming events. Thursday I worked again and was exhausted again. Then there's today. I ran into Theo and asked him if we could hang out and he could tell me whatever he had to tell me but apparently, he can't since Sean's leaving. I just said okay well maybe when Sean gets back and he seemed to really like that idea. After talking with Theo, the school went on as usual and before I knew it, the school was over. I said my goodbyes and then left for home. I had to be home a bit early that way I had everything ready when Sean dropped off Xavier. I don't know why he's not bringing Luca but whatever, it's his dogs. 

Once I get home, I start to clean my room a bit and tidy up the house. I also kinda "dog-proofed" certain spots in the house. I don't want to worry about Xavier getting into anything that could be harmful. I finish pretty quick, we try to keep the house relatively clean. When I finish, I light a few candles and start to do a bit of homework. Not too long goes by when I hear the doorbell. I check my phone and notice that knowledge is the time that Sean said he'd be around. I get up and walk over to the door and open it to find Sean and Xavier. I smile and welcome them inside him my home. 

"Alright, I everything is in his bag. He's not into toys or anything else. Really would just rather lay around with you." Sean tells me and I just nod my head. 

"Okay so everything's in the bag I'll need?" I ask just to clarify any issues. Sean nods. "Oh, and before I forget, I do have work this weekend so I'll have to take Xavier and he can hang out in doggy daycare," Sean smirks and nods his head rapidly.

 "Of course you can. I bet he'd love it there!" Sean says as he grabs me for a hug. Not even a second in the hug, Xavier growls. I guess he doesn't like Sean being touched. Sean and I say our goodbyes and then I walk him to the door. I stand on the porch with Xavier as we watch Sean pull out of the driveway. I noticed that he went back the way he came from. Maybe he forgot something at home. I just shrug it off and walk back inside with Xavier. 

I walked back into the kitchen and finished off the rest of my homework. I was sitting on the island with Xavier by feet when suddenly the door burst open and in came Dylan and Casey making out and completely ignoring my presence. It wasn't until Casey almost hit me and Xavier started growling at her. Casey looked annoyed and Dylan just looked down at his feet. Dylan and I still haven't been on great terms. I still don't know where I stand on them being a thing. 

"What are you doing? Who does their homework on Friday? You should be in your room. Dilllllllyyyyyyyy makes her go to her room!!!!!!!!!!!" Casey screeched. I always knew she was want to be queen bee in school but I didn't think that was her actual personality. Xavier was by my side growling at her the entire time she was screeching at Dylan to make me leave. 

"I can't make her leave. This is her house too. And you may be my girl but you have no say in what she does." Dylan rolls his eyes and walks over to the fridge and grabs a drink. He walks over to the island and looks at me. "I'm sorry for interrupting your homework. I forgot you said you were dog sitting. We'll leave so you can have some peace." With that being said, he walks back around and grabs hold of Casey's wrists to lead her back out. Unfortunately, she doesn't go without a fight. 

"NOOOOOOO!!!! I want to hang out here. Why can't we hang out here Dilly? You said we woulddddd!" She screeches once again while whining like a toddler whose favorite toy is being taken away. Dylan just shakes his head. 

"Let's go. Either we leave together or you leave and we don't talk." He says with a very stern voice. I don't think I've ever heard him this stern. She stomps her foot and then marches off pouting. Dylan gives me a small smile and leaves as well. 

Once I hear his car pull out the driveway, I noticed that Xavier stopped growling. I grabbed all my stuff and went up to my room, with Xavier along my side the whole way. When I'm finally in my room, Xavier jumps onto my bed. I called Ally to talk to her about everything that just happened. While on the phone, I noticed that Xavier was listening to every word I was saying. Kinda like he understood every word. 

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