Chapter 41: Lineage

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Wanted to update yesterday but it didn't happen so abeg mange this.

Khadijah kept her phone by her side after locking it when she heard a knock and salam at the door, she retied the scarf on her head that had moved back showing a bit of her hair, she replied and the person entered.

“Dee,” Abba called the moment the door was pushed open, he walked up to Khadijah ready to tackle her in a hug but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder, he turned to Shaheed with a frown which looked too much like a pout.

“But hamma I-“-the glare he received stopped him and with a resigned sigh and moved to sit beside her on the bed.

“Good morning,” Khadijah greeted Shaheed who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there, he replied in his usual brisk tone though she suspected he was being as nice as he could.

“I hope you’re fine now?” his voice was softer this time but he didn’t make a move to shift from his standstill position a little away from the door, she was sure he would be hit if someone opened the door.

“Yes, Alhamdulillah.” She nodded.

Abba looked as though it was killing him to be quiet turned to his elder brother and then back to her, she wouldn’t have not noticed even if she tried.

Shaheed cleared his throat as if about to talk making her look up but nothing came out, abba discretely tapped her, when she turned he whispered very quietly she had to pay extra attention to hear, that added with reading his lip.

“He doesn’t know how to talk to pretty girls, or any girls at all, actually he doesn’t know how to talk to anyone.” He turned to said person with a too innocent look and smiled, Shaheed who didn’t care about whatever his brother was whispering about cleared his throat again though this time he did talk.

“Layla called this morning and said to come and check up on you because she didn’t believe you were as fine as you said,” he turned to Abba with a frown “He followed for absolutely no reason.” Khadijah nodded slowly not knowing how to reply to that.

“May Allah grant you shifa, abba let’s go.” He said already turning.

“But hamma we just got here.” Abba whined, “I’ll keep her company you go on ahead.”

“Don’t let me talk again.” His tone left no room for arguments. Abba stood up dejectedly and smiled sweetly at Khadijah.

“Get well soon love, I’ll come back soon.” He kissed the back of her hands catching her completely off guard and walked smugly past Shaheed who was still frozen in shock.

Khadijah made a move to pick her phone when she heard Shaheed’s voice again, “Erm,” he scratched the back of his neck “we didn’t know what you like so, erm I hope this is okay.” That was when she noticed the above medium sized basket on the table, he was already out of the door before she could thank him, she only shook her head at that, how he grew up with a large and boisterous family like the Aliero’s and was very antisocial was beyond her.

A few hours after they left, Sadiya and Abdulrahman arrived with breakfast, it was well past nine then.

“Sorry we’re late, we would’ve come earlier but umma had to make a full breakfast buffet.” Sadiya said with an eye roll, “that woman just looks for reasons to cook in large quantity.” She added opening the multiple warmers to dish the food. Khadijah only nodded with a smile, it was true.

“I’m not hungry.” Khadijah said stopping her.

“But you have to eat, just a little since you’re not hungry.” Not heeding to her sister’s protests, Sadiya dished a moderate amount of poached eggs, sausages, brown bread with honey, she kept a cup of steaming black coffee on the tray with a cup of orange juice and she wanted to add a bowl of fruits when she saw an empty bowl on the other table. “Did we get fruits last night?” she asked her husband who shook his head no.

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