Chapter 78: Doppelganger Or Not

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Second update for the day....of you guys are good, we don't have to wait for Friday.
You know me, I'm easily bribed.

200 votes on both chapters and you'll see a chapter on Monday 🌚
Fair trade?

Happy reading........


Jawad had decided to leave Waleedah and Layla to themselves which was why he ended up at the Barkindo house. He had stepped out of Huda’s way after giving her a fist bump because she was waiting for them outside. He didn’t know for how long she was there or if she had rushed outside at the sound of the car, he didn’t stay to find out though and with the excuse that he was too hungry for her cheery mood that afternoon, he slipped inside leaving her with her brother.

Fahad took it quite personal saying it was punishment for annoying him in the car, he had shrugged not arguing with that fact.

Barr. Salima had ignored both of them and when they got too loud in her opinion, she sent them away saying they were distracting her from finishing a snack she was making for Khadijah before she got back.

Nabila was in her room taking a much needed nap after they returned from the hospital, Abubakar Barkindo had gone up to change after his wife ‘mistakenly’ hit the bowl of flour near him. Of course it didn’t matter that her hand was inside the bowl but he couldn’t well argue with her, there was a reason she was one of the best lawyers and owns a firm.

The girls and Ja’afar were having a lazy day which consisted of annoying Adnan until he got tired and sent them out of his room, then playing games and deciding which of Ja’afar’s outfits were not as cool as he thought.

“Fahad I have something to tell you but you have to be open minded and well, fast minded.” Fahad sat up, then clicked save on the file he was reviewing on his laptop.

Being absent from work was fun in the moment but the pile of work he would always meet after made him think of selling the company and retiring at thirty one, but he knew retirement wouldn’t work for him. He is the type of person needs to keep his mind busy, not even talking of coping mechanisms or blocking out his thoughts, he was just made to be active and he has accepted that.

“You sound like you’re going to tell me you have a terminal illness, are you okay or has the last screw finally gotten loose?” The look on Jawad’s face told him he was not joking.

“Okay, you’re actually serious. What is it?”

Instead of replying he handed him a photograph which he accepted albeit reluctantly. He didn’t look down at it when he asked what it was.

“Just look at it.” He rolled his eyes at the lack of information before doing as he was told.

“Why do you have ummi’s old picture? Where did you even find this?” he said in awe, looking at a much younger Dr. Sakinah.

“Look well.” Fahad stared at the picture then, studying it well before he breathed out a laugh.

“Right, it is aunty Fatimah, still doesn’t explain what you’re doing with it. What year was it though? She couldn’t be older than Aneesah here right?” Jawad huffed out a frustrated breath before grunting in exasperation.

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