Chapter 25: Shards of the Rainbowix

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Flying towards Japan, Drago remembers what Tyra told him, but he doesn't fully understand what he should do. Sunbeam and Pyro followed him, as they can see Japan's insight.

Once they landed, Sunbeam and Pyro are amazed at seeing Japan; Drago also sees them as speechless.

"Have you guys been in Otherworld or Earth before?" Drago asks.

"No, we live in Celestia, but Nate told us about Earth a lot," Sunbeam replies.

"But I do want to visit Earth, and now I am," Pyro adds.

As they follow Drago around, they've arrived in a field of cherry blossom trees.

"Where are we?" Sunbeam asks.

"We're in a field filled with Cherry Blossom's trees," Drago answers.

"Um, why are they look dead?" Pyro asks.

"They're getting ready to bloom again in the spring, and they are beautiful to see," Drago answers.

Seeing Sunbeam and Pyro look confused about what he is talking about, Drago places his hand on the tree. Closing his eyes, he could see an ancient dragon using fire magic around Drago.

As flowers bloom up from the ground, sparkly pink flames emerge from the buds once they open.

"Rebirth of the Blossoms," Drago casts.

As they see the trees glowing pick, the cherry blossom starts reappearing in front of them. Sunbeam and Pyro are amazed at what they are seeing.

"See, there is beauty here if you know where to look for it," Drago says.

Just then, Drago starts glowing fiery pink, and in his hand is a pink crystal. Once he holds it tightly, it disappeared, and the glow fades away.

Sunbeam and Pyro made it to Drago; as Pyro grabs his hand, they start enjoying their time in Japan.

Walking around the streets, Sunbeam seems happier. Seeing the sun is out, he's like a kid in the candy store.

"He seems very happy," Drago says.

"Yeah, I guess it's because of the sun," Pyro replies.

Sunbeam is far away from the others; he is enjoying his time as a teenager.

"Being a teenager is awesome, and I'm enjoying my time here," Sunbeam says.

Suddenly Sunbeam glows yellow, and he is given a yellow crystal in his hand; as he squeezes his hand, the crystal disappears then the glow fade away.

As he glances to see that Pyro and Drago are slowly catching up to Sunbeam, he sees them holding hands. Once they catch up with each other, Drago needs to return home.

"It's been fun, but I need to return home," Drago says.

"Okay, we can go with you," Sunbeam replies.

All three of them hold hands, Drago starts sending them back home.

Sunbeam, Pyro, and Drago enter The Dragon Café, and they're suddenly surprised to see Elijah, Justin, and Alex.

"Alex, what brings you here?" Drago asks.

"I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I pop a visit," Alex answers.

Drago smiles.

"I see that you and Pyro seem to enjoy some quality time," Justin adds.

Everyone sees Drago and Pyro holding hands, feeling slightly embarrassed; Drago doesn't mind it anymore.

"Drago, would you like to attend my concert?" Justin asks.

"Yeah, I would love to," Drago answers.

"Great, I'll make sure you and some friends have the best seats in the house," Justin replies.

Justin heads out, so he can start working on his concert.

Later that night, at Justin's concert, Drago, Nate, Elijah, Alex, Pyro, and Sunbeam watched Justin playing his violin. Justin is wearing a phoenix-inspired outfit with an orange feather collar, and he is entirely shirtless. He plays so beautifully like you would see any other violinist, along with his signature violin.

The head and neck of his violin are like Phoenix's head, the body has folded wings, and on the back of the violin, tail feathers go up the violin. Suddenly Drago notices Elune on stage with Justin, and she is wearing a beautiful simple dress that sparkles like starlight as the music begins to play. They see her sing.

"I Jeté in the dark; I see the stars in the sky. I heard mechanical heartbeats 'til the music disappears.

Somebody ignites a light. I'm burnt by the fear in me. Somebody makes me rekindle the fire. And set me free. So, clip me from the wing Dizzy, spinning endlessly. Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free! [ViolinDrop] Set me free! Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free!" Elune sings.

Drago is amazed seeing his performance; Pyro was sitting next to Drago as he leans his head on Drago's shoulder.

"If only the coco bird could speak, I wouldn't be so alone. We'd scorn every house and nest and feathers into the unknown.

Somebody ignites a light. I'm burnt by the fear in me. Somebody makes me rekindle the fire. And set me free. So, clip me from the wing Dizzy, spinning endlessly. Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free! [Violin Drop]"

He felt the warmth it gave; just then, he begins to glow orange.

"Set me free! Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free!

If I break the cage, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a flight. I'm scared of changing, and the days stay the same. The world is spinning but only in red.

If I break the cage, then I'll have to fly. There's no one to catch me if I take a flight. I'm scared of changing, and the days stay the same. The world is spinning but only in red. (Only)

[Violin Drop]

Somebody ignites a light. I'm burnt by the fear in me. Somebody makes me rekindle the fire. And set me free.

So, clip me from the wing Dizzy, spinning endlessly. Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me [Violin Drop] Free...! Set me free! Someone makes me rekindle the fire and set me free!"Elune sings.

Once it fades away, they start enjoying the remaining concert. Once it's over, everyone starts returning homes for the night.

"Drago, is it alright if for me to stay the night with you?" Pyro asks.

Worried about what would happen if Scarlett found out, but he doesn't care what she'll do.

"Sure, I don't mind if you stayed the night," Drago answers.

Seeing Pyro smiling, they start heading back to his house. Drago couldn't be happier to spend time with his new friend.

Back at the house, Scarlett returns home as she wanders through the house. She sees Elijah is sleeping in his bed, but Drago isn't, searching through the place to find him. She finally found him sleeping on the living room floor with an uninvited guest, and they're remarkably close together.

Scarlett is furious seeing him in the living room, fast asleep.

Meanwhile, back in Celestia, Alex is fast asleep until something pulls him into a vision. He sees Drago being abused by a woman in red as she draws a gun once she fires.


"DRAGO!" Alex shouts.

Shock to see that vision, he got out of bed and magically called an old friend.

"Lunahowl, I know it's late, but I need your help," Alex says.

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