Chapter 28: The Ocean's Pearl

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Drago sees that the ancient items are fading faster every single day, but he is still wondering who is weakening them.

Using his Blossom's Keeper, they reveal chain isles surrounded by water. He believes that it's the Sea Butterflies' capital.

"The Isles of Glovertois, so that is where we are going."

Drago glances towards the door, he sees Aloha standing right there.

"Yeah, are you ready to go?" Drago asks.

"Yeah, but do you want to wait for the others to see us go off?" Aloha smiles.

Drago looks away, feeling down like he is still sad about the whole Fairy and Wizard relationship and that Orchid is against him casting Floral Forge.

{Sigh} "No, I would like for us to go while it's just us," Drago replies.

AsAloha sees Drago heading out, he follows. They got up into the tower, bringing out their wings, and they start taking flight heading to the Isles ofGlavertois.

While flying, Drago follows Aloha, and they see that the ocean is coming into view. As Drago glides down, to get a better look, he sees magical sea animals playing around. Seeing these never-seen animals, Drago is happy seeing him playing around, and Aloha got close enough to see.

About three hours, flying across the sea, Drago and Aloha can see the Isles. Visiting the village surrounding both the Isles and the ocean, Drago tries to ensure that no one follows them until more fairies in black needed them.

"Aloha looks like we have company," Drago announces.

"Then let me handle it," Aloha replies.

Drago sees Aloha turning around and hovers, he starts casting a barrier spell, for they can head for the shrine of the Sea Butterfly.

"Aqua, safera, bubblies barrious," Aloha casts.

Seeing a trail of bubbles blocking between them, Drago and Aloha can make it to the shrine, and they see the statue of Shelly Bubblemoon. Once they arrived, Drago sees her nameplate glows, and the riddle appears.

A tropical island is your destination, surrounded by water, deep within the waters of these islands. A sea monster protects the seas and its treasures.

"Do you know what the riddle means?" Aloha asks.

"Yep, I do hold on. We're off for Hawaii," Drago replies.

Just as the dark fairies unleash their magic spell, Drago and Aloha have already teleported to the following location.

Once they appeared on a soft sandy beach, Aloha is amazed to see a tropical environment.

"Welcome to Hawaii," Drago announces.

"This place is beautiful, almost like home, so where do we need to go?" Aloha replies.

"We need to go for a swim," Drago says. "I don't suppose you have a spell to help us breathe underwater?"

"Yes, I do. Take us where you believe is the place we need to go, and I'll cast my spell," Aloha says.

Drago brought out his wings, and he starts taking flight. Aloha followed him once they made it to the open ocean. While flying, Drago is trying to see where the best spot is to go underwater.

"I think this seems to be the spot," Drago says.

"Okay, then leave this to me," Aloha replies.

As Aloha flew backward a little bit, he lifts his hand and begins casting a spell.

"Aquatic, Scalis, Undor Breath Aires," Aloha casts.

Seeing magical bubbles float around them, as Drago sees Aloha dive into the ocean, Drago follows, and to his amazement, he is breathing underwater.

"Wow, this is amazing," Drago announces.

"I know, now what is the item we're supposed to?" Aloha says.

Thinking about the riddle again, it talked about a treasure and a sea monster guarding it. Now, what would the prize of the sea be supposed to be?

Drago looks around until he sees clams.

"Pearls!" Drago shouts.

"Pearls?" Aloha asks.

"Yes, that is what the Sea Butterflies' treasure is, but we need to figure out which one," Drago answers.

"Okay, then let's get started," Aloha announces.

Within the two hours underwater, Aloha and Drago find the right pearl but cannot find it.

"It seems that this one is a little hard to find," Drago says.

Thinking about it, Aloha has an idea, but he doesn't know if it'll work.

"I have an idea; I hope this works," Aloha replies.

As Aloha closes his eyes, bubbles start swirling around him, feeling his magic. Drago is amazed at seeing all the bubbles magically appear and surround them. While Aloha is feeling the area around him, is could feel where the pearl they're looking for to collect.

"Found it," Aloha announces.

Following Aloha, Drago sees a giant clam on a stand. As it opens, they see the pearl. As they get closer, suddenly, something starts falling and traps Drago inside a coral cage.

"Aloha! Watch out!" Drago shouts.

Seeing a sea serpent swimming through, striking at Aloha, he tries to dodge as fast as possible in the water. As Aloha took the serpent through the water tunnels and back up to the surface, Drago starts using his magic to break free.

"Blazing Star," Drago casts.

Throwing his stars in front of him, Drago can get out of his trap, and he grabs the pearl he starts heading back to the surface to help Aloha.

Flying up in the sky, Aloha sees that the serpent is willing to get him, as he cast spells, hoping to see if he'll give up.

"Aquria, speaous!" Aloha casts.

Shooting a harpoon-style spear right at the serpent is daring, but it didn't take damage. As Drago emerges from the ocean, he sees that Aloha has a difficult time. So, he starts to cast Floral Forge to help.

"I cast Floral Forge. Lotus, Dew Drops and Lily Pads emerge from eh ocean and flow gracefully over to lend us your hand," Drago casts.

Flowing this way, Aloha sees lotus, dewdrops, and lily pads heading this way, and they all end up around Drago.

"With this forge, emerge together and become the wisest staff, Lotus' Drop," Drago casts.

Lotus' Drop is a 6-foot-tall wooden staff with a bud of a blue lotus setting on a lily pad, seeing it magically heading towards Aloha.

"Lotus' Drop activates your special ability, Dew Mist," Drago announces.

Seeing the staff's bud opens, a small sphere of water appears as it spins around. A magical mist starts pouring down towards the sea serpent. Once they see him calming down, he starts diving back into the ocean.

"Wow, that was close," Drago says.

"Yeah, a good thing on using your Floral Forge," Aloha replies.

Just as Drago hands Aloha the treasure for the Sea Butterflies, Drago's bracelets began to glow, and they start using their magic to return to the Land of Fairies.

Now, all Drago needs to see next since they're down to the final two is a Sprite and a Will-o'-the-wisps.

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