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After clearing the second faze, we were back on the airship being transported to the third faze.

"I will now take the time to introduce myself properly to the remaining 43 applicants, I am Netero, the chairman of the selection committee for this years hunter exam. It is a pleasure to meet all of you" Netero exclaimed as I stretched my bones out. Normally I would be on patrol, but some sleep would be nice.

"And I'm his secretary beans!" The cute green blob named beans said.

"I had originally planned to make my appearance at the final faze, but seeing how I'm already here.......I have to admit theres nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air...so I think I'll stick around for the remainder of the trip" Netero chuckled.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination at 8 am tomorrow exactly, you'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall, your also welcome to get some rest of course. Your free to do as you please until we contact you, the evening is yours" Beans said making me excited. I have the same appetite as Mitsuri so I hope they prepared well.

I sighed as Gon and Killua ran off.

"They've got so much energy, not me though all I wanna do is crash" Leorio said

"As do I, however theres one thing that still concerns me" Kurapika started as both of them walked away.

I didn't bother going after either group as instead I headed to the dining hall.
3rd POV

"So, How many applicants do you think will make it this year?" Menchi questioned as they continued to eat

"You mean who will pass the exam?" Buhara questioned back

"Yep! Looks like we have a pretty impressive group here, though I did try to fail almost all of them sure....but still" Menchi replied

"Gee I dont know, I guess it depends on what the other fazes are" Buhara said looking at Menchi

"That's a good point I havent thought of that, but a few of them stand out didnt you notice? And Two even have this whole aura thing going on. What do you think Satotz?" Menchi said looking back up at him

"I'm inclined to agree, I quite like the rookies this year."

"Yeah same here! And with number 294! I really think hes got a good shot at winning, but I'm personally rooting for number 406" Menchi said chewing on her food

"I'm partial to number 99 myself, allthough number 406 defenetly stands out from the lot"

"Number 99 looks like a spoiled selfish brat if you ask me! What about you Buhara?" Menchi asked looking at her friend

"Who I think will pass? Well hes not a rookie but my money's on number 44 I'm sure you guys noticed it too but when number 255 was throwing a fit, number 44 looked like he wanted to kill somebody! He had this cold and intense bloodlust. I see what your getting at with number 406 too, her aura seeming angry but her smile never wavered" Buhara said

"Of course I noticed that. How could i not? He looked like he could barely restrain himself, hold on didnt you realise? Hes been like that ever since we showed up. I've had a bad feeling about him this whole time" Menchi commented

"Really?" Buhara asked

"Yeah, hes the reason I've been so on edge, I mean he kept trying to pick a fight with me" Menchi said

"I had a similar experience, he should be carefully monitored, though it pains me to admit this, I feel we are all birds to a feather with him, but his infinity for darkness is stronger than ours"
Y/n Pov

🍥Bittersweet🍥 HxH x Kny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now