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(Yall, I might have to go back and read my own book, I lit forget what I wright)

"Gon, Killua wait up!" I spoke watching them leave the torn up building

"Y/n?" Gon asked

"Can I come with?" I asked as Gon and Killua looked at eachother

"I don't see why not, sure!" Killua started

"But you need to be in professional attire" Killua finished, explaining how the were going to get their hands on the game Greed Island, because it had something to do with Gons dad

In my mind, I think Gon should just ditch his crappy dad

I nodded

"I'll be right back then" I spoke, rushing inside

When I came back out, I wore a suit, like those two were

"E-eh Y/n?!" Gon said, blood rushing to his cheeks

"Y/n, you could have wore a dress" Killua suggested

"Why? Got a problem with me wearing the suit?" I asked

"No its just- nevermind"

"Is it because I'm a girl?! Well I'm more man then you'll ever be so-"

"What has Leorio taught her" Gon and Killua said in sync


I had also carried a violin case

Not for a violin

But to disguise my katana, and extra belongings, like my uniform


"This is Zepile, he's a professional appraiser" Gon introduced

"Pleasure to meet you" i spoke

"Pleasures mine"

"The auction is in hall B" Gon spoke as we walked through the halls

"That's it over there" Killua responded as he pushed the door open

Zepile had split off from us by now, I walked behind Gon and Killua as they walked side by side

"Wow" they both admired walked in as I chuckled

Suddenly they came to an abrupt stop

"Hey wide you gu-"

Feitan and Phinks were here, they had someone next to them

My guard emediatly raised

Not because of Feitan and Phinks

But because the one next to them was laced in demonic aura

They had a solid stare down for like 5 whole seconds

Before I could do anything, Gon and Killua linked arms with me as they rushed out the door

"What the heck are those guys doing here?!" Gon panicked

"How would I know?!" Killua yelled back

Feitan and Phinks being way more experienced and talented caught up to them in no time as I kinda just stood in the middle

We were somewhat cornered

"Yknow that was cold, no need for you to run away" Phinks spoke

I merely sighed.

"Why wouldn't we run?" Killua spoke

"Yeah don't worry, were not here to kill you three or anything"

The third person, or demon the stood next to Feitan

🍥Bittersweet🍥 HxH x Kny X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now