Choice iii: Garage

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TW: Chemical burns

I'm breathing so heavily; my chest feels like it could burst. I look around for a place to go and run for the garage. Maybe I could get out through the garage door!

I close the door behind me. The garage is dark and smells weird. I feel for a light switch and turn on the lights, walking farther inside. In the middle, there's a car, its red paint peeling and its windows coated in layers of dust. I turn around. There are shelves filled with various chemicals, which seem new, as there's no dust on the bottles. What has Louis been up to?

I look at the garage door. It's closed, so I need to find the car keys to open it. I look around for a few moments before wiping away the dust from the car window. and I see it--the car keys, with a charm of the Marionette from Five Nights at Freddy's attached, is locked inside his car!

I pull the handle a couple times, but it's no use... I need to find some other way of opening the car door. I look over at the chemicals, an idea forming. Or it could just be carbon monoxide poisoning.

The bottles of chemicals aren't labelled, not unless you count the Pixar Bug's Life stickers, of which there are many. But if I could just put a few of them together, I could cause an explosion that would open the car door and allow me to take the keys.
I get to work, mixing a few of them together. They smell horrible, like if someone turned a rat motel into a makeshift hospital. And finally... I've got it: the perfect concoction! I place the bottle of explosive liquid near the car and throw my shoe at it. It doesn't do anything except sizzle, so I sigh and break the window with my hammer.

I grab the keys and press the button, opening the garage door. I'm... I'm free! I take a moment to enjoy the fresh air. It looks like it's about noon. Time to move. But as soon as I step forward, I hear the door behind me opening. It's Louis!

"Stop! wait!" he shouts. I shudder at his werewolf-like form. Twilight was WRONG.

"Get away! Get away from me!" I say, holding up my hammer like it's going to do anything against him.

"Wait, hold on, you don't understand. I need you! You can't leave!" he says, holding his arm toward me.

"I said get back!" I scream, waving my hammer at him.

I walk backwards while he walks forwards.
"Look, just let me explain, Jacob. Please!" he says.

"Shut up! Don't say my name! Y-You're... a m-monster!"

He's about to say something else when he suddenly yelps in pain. He's stepped on the spilled explosive chemical on the concrete floor, and it's stained the fur on his foot.

"Agh, fuck! it burns!" he cries, holding up his leg. He starts bouncing, bouncing right into the shelf of chemicals!

"Louis, watch out!" I yell. but it's too late.
He bumps into the chemicals, the bottles all start falling on him, splashing their contents into his fur and skin. He screams like my friend Claus in a Catholic church.

Instead of watching this all go down in shock, I take this moment to run, run away. I don't know Louis's neighborhood too well, but I don't care. I'm running as far away from Louis's house as possible.

A couple minutes later, I stop in my tracks at the sight of... something very, very strange. I see... a large van. The kind of van that's so inconspicuous, it's almost suspicious. and unloading from said van are... a bunch of furries. Is there a convention in town? No, they're all looking at me.

"Jacob," one calls out. their voice sounds familiar, and, weirdly, their fursuit too.

"You know me?" I ask.

"Yes. Get in the van. We'll explain everything."

I shrug my shoulders, getting inside. The furries are pretty tall, except the one who was just talking to me, so I'm kind of intimidated.

They say they're a secret government organization called the Spy Dogs. They're pretty vague about what exactly they deal with, but they tell me they noticed a kind of "anomaly" in the proximity of Louis's house. They put a few pieces together and went to rescue me.

To this day, I still think about my time at Louis's house. It started out so innocent... but then... I just don't want to think about it. Why was Louis emulating the Beast from Beauty and the Beast? Why wasn't I into it?? Why? There are just so many questions that I will never get an answer to... unless of course I could somehow go back in time to make different choices and approach a different result. But that would be stupid.

(2, III, iii)

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