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"Get down!" Derek yells and runs over to Harris. He grabs him and has him duck down as the Alpha throws a chair.

When Derek and Harris look up, the Alpha's gone. Derek quickly gets to his feet and takes a step to the Alpha. He stops when lights flood the room and sirens are heard outside. With one last look to the Alpha, Derek flees.


Derek runs toward the iron works on foot, the cops on his tail. A car pulls up in front of him and he quickly slides to the ground in order to stop himself. He looks to his left, gets up, than starts running.

He hears multiple footsteps and dog barks behind him. He turns around with an eye roll than shifts his eyes. He growls at the dogs and they scatter back to where they came.

Derek, thinking he lost the cops, begins to walk causally towards an exit. Suddenly, an lighted arrow his hit just in front of him, messing with his vision. He looks up thorough stars and sees Argent with a machine gun.

Derek's eyes widen and he quickly takes cover. Seconds later, his Camero pulls up and the door opens.

"Get in." He hears.

With one look at Argent, who is reloading, Derek goes for the car. He gets in and they drive away.

"What part of laying low didn't you understand?" Scott asks from the drivers seat.

Derek slams his fist into the dashboard and yells, "Dammit, I had him."

"Who? The alpha?" Stiles, who's seated in the backseat, asks.

"Yes! He was right in front of me and the freakin' police show up."

"Whoa. Hey, they're just doing their jobs."

Derek glares at Stiles and turns to Scott saying, "Ya...thanks to someone who decided to make me the most wanted fugitive in the entire state!"

"Can we seriously get passed that?" Scott asks. "I made a dumb ass mistake, I get it."

"Alright!" Stiles yells. "How'd you find him?"

Derek scoffs and stares ahead.

"Can you try to trust us for at least half a second?" Scott asks.

"Both of us," Stiles adds.

Again, Derek glares.

"Or just Scott, I'll be back here."

Derek sighs and starts explaining. "The last time I talked to my sister, she was close to figuring out something. She found two things, first was a guy named Harris."

"Our chemistry teacher?" Stiles asks.

"Why him?" Scott asks.

"I don't know yet." Derek yells in frustration.

"What's the second?" Stiles asks.

"Some kind of symbol." Derek states, taking out a piece of paper with a wolf on it. Scott throws his head back, as if he can't believe it.

"What? You know what this is?" Derek asks.

"I've seen it on a necklace." Scott reveals. "Allison's necklace."


"We've got code blue in room 201!" Cassidy yells as the monitor in the nurse station reveals.

She rushes to the room as well as another nurse. She places her fingers on his pulse as a doctor soon comes in.

"I've got nothing." She informs him

"Alright nurse Schalk set up the defibrillators for 180 volts. Vasile, get him ready." The doctor instructs.

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