Shape Shifted

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Derek stayed the night at the subway station, having a feeling that Isaac might come to him. Late in the night, he hears,

"Derek! Derek!"

Derek emerges from the cart to see Isaac's panicked face.

"What happend."

"It's-it's my father. He's dead."

Derek steps forward. "What did you do?"

"That's the thing. It wasn't me."


Cassidy leads Jason towards the stands on the Beacon Hills lacrosse field. Jason spots Scott and yells.


Scott turns his head to see Cassie and Jason walk towards him. The teen goes towards them, a smile on his face.

"Hey Jay." Scott says. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Jason wanted to see you play. So I told him we'd come watch you practice." Cassidy explains.

Scott smiles and leans down to Jason.

"Are you going to play lacrosse?"

"No, I'm going to play basketball like my dad. I just wanted to see you."

Cassidy laughs at her sons bluntness and says to Scott,

"You should probably go to the field. Your coach looks mad."

Scott turns towards the field and sees an angry Coach. He smiles back at Jason and Cassidy than goes on the field.

'If only Derek was nice like them' Scott thinks to himself.


Practice ended early due to the fact that Isaac Lahey got taken off the field in handcuffs. That causes Cassie to call Derek and inform him off his Beta.

Derek pulls up to the school as Scott walks down the steps.

"Get in." He demands.

"Are you serious?" Scott exclaims. "You did that, that is your fault."

"I know. Now get in the car and help me."

"No. I've got a better idea, I'm gonna call a lawyer. Because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up."

"Not when they do a real search of the house."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's at the house is worse. A lot worse."

Scott sighs than climbs in the car.


It was dark out by the time they reached Isaac's. They walk into the house, Scott with a flashlight in hand.

"If Isaac didn't kill his father, than who did?" Scott asks.

"I don't know yet." Derek says.

"Well than, how do you know he's telling the truth?"

"Because I trust my senses......And it's a combination of them...not just your sense of smell."

Scott stops than looks at Derek, than looks away.

"You saw the lacrosse practice?"

"No, but Cassidy told me."

Scott sighs, "Did it look that bad?"

Derek puts his free hand on Scott shoulder than says, "She said the worst."

Derek opens the door to the basement than says to Scott,

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