Motel California

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Cassidy reaches the loft in record time and turns the car off. She opens the back door and basically drags Derek out. She pulls him inside and takes the elevator up.

They reach the loft door and Derek leans even more on her shoulder. She has no idea how she's keeping him up right now. She slides open the door and walks slowly into the loft.

"Babe, you're not healing. I should take you back to the hospital." Cassidy says scared for his life.

"No, no hospital." He breathes out.

"Than you're lucky we have a first aid kit here."

"Just help me get-" he than loses his weight and stops holding himself .

Not being able to hold the dead weight, Cassidy drops him.

"Sorry." Cassidy says.

Sighing, she attempts to pick him up but opts for dragging him to the bed. She lays him horizontally across and leaves his legs over the side. From there, she begins to lift up his shirt, revealing numerous claw marks. Derek's breathing is really heavy.

"How bad?" He manages to ask in a whisper.

"Der, it looks worse than anything you've ever gotten... And you're bleeding black blood."

He doesn't respond. Cassidy looks at his face and his eyes close shut.


Cassidy immediately gets worried when he doesn't respond. She places her hand on his neck for a pulse and finds a steady yet dull heartbeat. Sighing in relief, she places her head on his chest, listening to the beat.

After staying like that for a few minutes, Cassidy immediate calls everyone. No one answers except Melissa, who Cassidy tells she'll pick Jason up in a few hours.

As for the others, she leaves voicemails telling them that Derek is alive.


Cassidy paces around the room, waiting for Derek to wake. Every five minutes, she checks his pulse out of paranoia.

While she gazes out the window, she hears heavy breathing. She turns to see Derek sitting up, trying to stand.

"You really don't want to do that Babe." She says.

He quickly gives up and settles for sitting.

"I have to tell the others-" Cassie cuts him off.

"I've called everyone. No one answered, except Melissa, so I left voicemail and I'm going to pick Jason up soon."

Derek only nods.

"Do you have any idea how bad you look?" Cassidy continues. "You're like one giant open wound. I'm not entirely sure that you're not really dead and I'm dreaming. And if I am dreaming, it would not be like this. At all."

Derek looks down. Cassidy frowns and walks over, kneeling in front of him.

"You shouldn't be here Cass." Derek says.

"Why is that?"

"Because everyone around me... Everyone gets hurt. My family. Laura. Paige." He whispers. "Even you."

"Der, that's not true." Cassidy counters.

Derek shakes his head. "But it is Cass. I killed Paige. Everyone died in the fire cause I trusted Kate. You got hurt in the fire because of me. Everyone. Gets. Hurt. Now with you being pregnant- if something happens-"

"Nothing will." Cassie says stubbornly. "Because I won't let it. You won't. Scott won't. We're all going to be fine."

Derek bites his lip and Cassidy leans in, closing the space between them. Derek responds to the slow kiss, his left hand on the nape of her neck.

Cassidy crawls on top of him, pushing him down onto the bed. Derek pulls away, still not being fully healed. Cassie begins to trail kisses down his body, kissing around each wound.

Derek grabs her attention and reclaims her lips. He flips them over so he's on top, not breaking the kiss. He slowly moves to her neck in open mouth kisses. He pulls away and looks her in the eye.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Cassie whispers back.


Cassidy wakes up and sees Derek sitting on the edge of the bed, still not healed. He turns his head, knowing she's awake.

She places her hand on his neck and he places one on the back of her head, pulling her in for a kiss. Once they pull away, Cassie sees that he's healed.

Cassidy's eyebrows furrow in confusion and Derek says,

"You giving me... comfort?" Derek searches. "Healed me."

Cassie nods.

Suddenly, her phone goes off and she sees that Melissa is calling.

"Hello." She says.

"Hey. I'm here."

"Great! You can just send him up. He should be fine. And I owe you one."

"Ya well, I'm glad you had time with Derek."

Cassie laughs. "By Melissa."


Cassidy hangs up and turns to Derek.

"Put clothes on. We don't want you to scare our son. And quickly change the sheets."

Derek rolls his eyes but puts pants on nonetheless and quickly heads upstairs to change the sheets. Cassie puts on pants and a tank then five minutes later, opens the loft door to get Jason.

"Hi mom." He says, yawning.

"Hey Bud." Cassidy replies, taking his backpack.

"How come you wanted me home? I was already sleeping at Miss. Melissa's."

"Well, daddy and I wanted you here, with us. It hasn't been just the three of us in a while."

Jason nods, smiling sleepily. Cassidy sets the backpack down than picks him up. She than carries him to the bed and places him next to Derek who just finished the sheets.

"Dad." Jason says as he scoots closer to him.

Derek smiles and wraps an arm around him. Cassidy climbs in and Derek lets his arm fall limp over her hip. Cassie smiles and places her arm on Jason's side.

"Love you." Derek mouths.

"Me too." Cassidy mouths back.


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