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Erika leads the struggling Jackson down the stairs. She places him in front of Derek as the rest of the pack watches and holds him down with Isaac's help.

"What happened to you on the night of the full moon?" Derek asks Jackson.

"What?" Jackson questions. "Nothing. Nothing happened."

"You're lying."

Derek grabs a piece of glass which has some of the Kanimas venom on it.

"Wait." Jackson starts. "I- I can prove it. I taped myself."

"You taped youself." Isaac asks.

"Yes."'Jackson admits. "It was the full moon. And maybe while it was curled in the corner having an existential crisis about turning into a monster, I was prepared for the so called gift your big bad Alpha gave me, and what did I get? Nothing. You want proof? Let me get the video."

"No." Derek says, picking the glass up. "No, I have a better idea."

Erika and Isaac push Jackson to his knees.

"You know Jackson, you've always been kind of a snake." Derek starts as Isaac opens the teens mouth. Derek hovers the glass over Jackson's mouth and adds, "And everyone knows a snake can't be poisoned by it's own venom."

The venom than drips into Jackson's mouth. The teen chokes on it for a few seconds and the wolves let him go. He falls to the ground, paralyzed.

Derek sighs and leans down to Jackson. "You're still a snake Jackson. Just not the one we're looking for."


"Happy Birthday!!" Jason wakes to.

The five- six- year old sits up in bed to see his room filled with balloons and his parents holding a box each.

"It's my birthday!" Jason exclaims.

"We know. And guess what's for breakfast." Cassidy says.

"Chocolate chip waffles!!"


"Now get dressed and head downstairs where you can open these two presents."


Minutes later, Jason is downstairs and eating waffles. Three presents wait on the table and Jason can't wait to open one.

"I'm done." Jason says as Cassie and Derek sit down. "Can I please one one?

"Ok, you've suffered long enough."

Jason looks at each than picks to one wrapped in blue, his favorite color. He looks at his parents to know who it came from but neither of them have the face.

"It's from Aunty Laura. She got it before we left New York." Derek tells him.

Jason smiles than carefully opens the gift. A smile than erupts on his face as he sees the gift. Laura got him all superhero action figures and cartoon DVDs of them.

"Look!" Jason says.

"Even Superman?" Derek asks.

"Even Superman!"

"Daddy's going to get you to school. But guess where the three of us are going for dinner tonight." Cassie says.

"Pizza." Jason whispers in happiness, eyes wide.

Derek laughs. "Ya bud. Pizza."


"What's got you so happy?" Melissa asks Cassidy as she enters the nurse station.

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