Chapter 9

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        Hey guys. This chapter is kind of short but I wanted to get a little more of the story up. I hate freaking English class right now. Seriously, having this much of a workload is insane. Anywho, enjoy and let me know what you think. As always, I love hearing what your take or opinion is. :D


Titus’ POV

I stare at Wayne waiting for his phone call to end. It’s been the longest week of my life. We’d catch a scent of Jenny’s but by the time we show up, she’d be long gone. Staring out the window, I racked my brain as to why she rain but came up empty.

“Thank you for calling. You have a nice night.” He hangs up and I look at him. “That was the South Dakota state police. Jenny’s waiting at a truck stop just off highway 40.” I grin like a fool and give the SUV some gas. We were almost two hundred miles from where she was, but it would be worth it. I would be seeing her soon.

The last fifty miles, Wayne drove. I tried to keep my eyes open, but it was a losing battle. When Wayne shook me awake, we were just pulling into a truck stop. As I jumped out of the car, my eyes landed on her face in the large window. She looked tired and sad.

Looking at Wayne, he gives me a nod and I race through the doors. “Jenny!” Her head snaps up and her eyes bore into mine. She smiled but it didn’t reach her eyes. There were only a handful of people in the diner, and they were all looking at us.

 A police officer that I didn’t see before stood up from his table and made his way over to us. “Ms. Jenny, this your uncle?” He asked as he eyed me. I watch as Jenny throws him a smile but shakes her head.        She took her phone out, typed something and showed him. When she turned it back around, I managed to catch a glimpse, friend.

 Wayne decided to pick that moment to join us and I saw the officer relax. Shrugging it off, I smile at my mate. “Are you ready to go Jenny?” I asked her. She just nodded keeping her eyes lowered. I couldn’t stop the hurt that hit me dead in the heart.

I kept silent until we were in the car. Jenny sat in the very back, so I joined her. Slipping a small note book from the pouch in front of me, I decide to try and get her to open up. Jenny, what’s wrong? Handing her the paper and pen, I watch her as she starts to write.

After several long minutes, she handed me the paper and laid her head on the window. Her eyes drifted shut and she was asleep within seconds. Confused, I lower my eyes to see what she had written.

I know that as part of the Council, you cannot reject your mate. And I know that having a mute mate must be mind blowing. Believe me when I say that I am not the type of woman who will sit back and watch as her mate kisses someone else.

I did not come back for you. I came back because I have information for the King regarding the hunters that killed my entire pack. Titus, I refuse to be second fiddle to my mate. When this is over, I’ll leave.

Not believing my eyes, I read her words over and over. I was confused and didn’t understand what she was getting at. Her soft even breaths reached me and I felt my heart soften. Once she awoke, I planned on straightening everything out. And then I would show her just how much she already meant to me. 

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