Chapter 12

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Jenny's POV

The next flew by rather quickly. King Winters had several of his best double checking what I told him, but I knew that deep down, he trusted what I said. Dark Moon wasn't known for lying and I wasn't about to start now. Though, I think as I sneak a look at Titus, if the two of us ever mated, then that'll be it for my old pack. They'll just be a distant memory of those old enough to remember, and for those who couldn't, they'd be a chapter in the history book.

I was the last my pack and it saddened me to think that there wouldn't be anymore. A hard shot of homesickness hit me just then and I slumped to the library floor. Titus was to engross with his book that he didn't notice. "Jenny, are you ok?" I look up to find Titus kneeling in front of me.

I give him a weak smile and shrug. -Tell me what's bothering you. He signs and I look at him shocked. -Just wishing that I would see my pack again one more time. He shook his head like he understood. -There's something we need to talk about Jen. The night you ran, Ellen kissed me.

-I know.

-What do you mean you know? His face was covered with shock. -I was on my way to the kitchen to grab a bit to eat when I smelt your scent. The door was open and when I looked in, I found you in her arms kissing. I say softly and lower my eyes. I had accepted the fact that he didn't want me, but Lil wouldn't shut up. I felt his finger under my chin as he slowly lifted my face up towards his.

-What you saw was Ellen kissing me. She wanted to take our friendship farther, but I'm not that kind of man Jenny. I found my mate, and she's more beautiful than any woman in the world. There's no one alive that could tempt my heart from you. I'm yours until the day I die. His voice was thick with emotion, and his eyes were shining. Slowly, I look deeply into his eyes and felt my heart settle down. He was telling the truth. Told you so Jen.

You did Lil. But can you blame me for what I thought? What we've been through, anyone would have second thoughts if they saw their mate kissing another like she kissed him.

He'll never pick anyone over you. Both he and Roman would die to protect us and keep us happy. I knew she was right. And I could remember seeing the same look in my father's eyes when he thought no one was watching as he watched my mom. -You sign pretty well for a newbie.

He laughs and smiles at me. -Wayne's been teaching me. I'm lucky that werewolves catch on quick. So, am I forgiven? I tilt my head like I'm thinking hard before smiling at him. I nod once. -You are. His grin grew bigger as he kissed me softly on my cheek. Titus left to go make us a sandwich, leaving me in the library.

Feeling eyes on me, I look out the window scanning the forest. And my gaze stops on a woman that I knew instantly; Ellen. Only she looked different. She didn't have on any kind of makeup and she was wearing camo. But that wasn't it. Something about her bugged me, like I knew her from some time earlier than when I witnessed her trying to steal my mate. We stared at each other for an hour, and when Titus entered the room, he broke the spell between us. She disappeared into the thick green and I turned to face him. As I sat back down to eat my lunch, I knew that it was only a matter of time before I figured out where I knew her from. I never forgot a face.

Ellen's POV

As I stared at her sitting in the library, I couldn't believe how much she had grown. It had been almost twenty years since I last saw my baby sister. Only I couldn't believe that it was her. The Marcellos assured me that every one of them were dead. But as she turned her head and her hair fell off her shoulder, I caught a glimpse of the mate rings on her necklace; rings that I had seen a million times growing up.

She looked so much like Dad that I almost broke down and started crying. I doubt that she would remember me. I was almost18 years older than her, and she was just a little thing when I left the pack to join my mate. And the irony was that just a year later, both he and our pup was killed by hunters; who I took out one at a time once I managed to pull myself out of my grief.

I wanted to go back to the pack, but Titus and his group found me and took me in. I don't know how it happened, me selling them out to the Marcellos. But they weren't the first. My parents died because I gave the location to the territory to one of the men that I had been running around with by accident, only to find out later that he told his boss. And they attacked several years later. When they attacked, I had just got accepted by the Council.

And if my theory was right, it was I who answered Jenny's call after the attack. I notice her glancing over her shoulder and I knew that it was time for me to go. Titus hadn't left her side for more than an hour for the past week, so I knew that he was in the room with her.

With one last glance at my sister, I disappear into the woods. I had to find a way to make it right. Not only did I try to still her mate, I was responsible for the deaths of our parents. And now that I knew for sure my sister was alive, I couldn't be the one responsible for her death, and the death of the ones that she obviously cared about. And I had just over two months to come up with a way to defeat the hunters, and to save Jenny.


Hey guys. I wanted to give a little background on Ellen. Please understand that there is a huge age gap between the two sisters. When Jenny was two, Ellen would have been about 18-19. I hope y'all enjoy reading.

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