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Gabriel enters the compound and notices multiple puddles of blood on the floor. "Rebekah would throw a tantrum." He hums as he steps over them. Following a trail of bloody paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints with a dead woman's body laid against the fountain.

He continues to follow the trail already knowing who was the cause of this mess. He walks into the bathroom and sees another dead body laid against the tub that his little wolf was taking a bubble bath in. "Come to check up on me?"

"Not necessarily, ill leave this mess to Elijah." He gestures to the blood and dead body.

"I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!" She enthuses.

Gabriel sighs in annoyance. "I can very clearly see that." 

Hayley stands from the tub, naked and covered in bubbles. Instead of being aroused Gabriel looks at her flatly. He grabs a nearby towel and throws it in her direction. "Get dressed Hayley." He orders.

"Oh, don't judge, Gabriel! What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done." She scoffs, wrapping the towel around her body.

"I would hope that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus. But I'm starting to see my hope was misplaced." He monotonously states.

Hayleys eyes briefly flash with hurt but as fast as it came it was gone. "I'm a hybrid now, and I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. And, the witches who tried to kill my baby are worth nothing more than food. Excuse me."

Gabriel walks into the room where Klaus and ELijah were arguing about how Klaus had been allowing Hayley to kill so heartlessly. He only assumes that Elijah had heard their conversation and confronted their brother. After so many months of dealing with his bratty little brother and Hayleys careless attitude he had simply given up. They would do whatever they wanted and Gabriel was tired of wasting his energy.

Hayley treated Gabriel like he was nothing to her before this all happened so he just stopped trying. He did say he would never pressure her to do something she didn't want and she's a grown woman. If she didn't want to be with him than so be it. He wouldn't beg her to love him.

"I am helping! You should have seen her last night! Covered in witches' blood and smiling from ear to ear! She is embracing this. A little less criticism from you, and Hayley will be just fine." Klaus spats at Elijah.

"Niklaus! The mother of your child deserves much better than just fine!You'll take her to the Bayou. Find any remaining wolves. Perhaps her people can reach her. Now, more than every, she needs a connection to something, some of her humanity. Some degree of dignity." Elijah then storms out of the room.

To Be Loved By A Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now