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As Gabriel speeds towards the asylum he hears the shouts of his brother. "REBEKAH!"

He follows the noise towards the basement where he sees Elijahs neck snapped and Marcel panting on the ground bloody.

Though when he turns his head his eyes glow a bright blue. Niklaus has his little sister in a choke hold and is holding Papa Tunde's blade against her chest.

Rushing towards the two he throws Rebekah to the side and swiftly stabs his brother in the stomach with the blade.

"Do not, touch our sister." Gabriel fumes.

Turning towards a now awake Elijah, Rebekah, and Marcel he shakes his head in frustration. "Run. As fast and as far as you can. NOW!"

Rebekahs eyes water when she sees the furious look in his eyes. He was beyond upset with her right now, that much she knew.

Making eye contact with Marcel they both speed away with out another word.

"Bring him back to the compound. I have a certain blonde I need to call." Gabriel exclaims before he leaves the building.

Holding the phone to his ear he waits impatiently. "Who is this?"

"Ah, Camille. You've forgotten about me already. I need you to come to the compound." Gabriel says bluntly. Not in the mood for games.

"Have you found a way to cure my uncles hex? He's getting worse by the day." Camille says hopefully.

"I did not know he had a hex. I've just recently woken up to this chaos my family seems to be built on. I need you to come to the compound." He says leaving no room for argument before hanging up.

He sighs as he gets back to the compound. Hearing his younger brother explaining to the blonde therapist all that had happened as of late.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Everything was so overwhelming for him. If he was honest he still felt guilt about everything that happened with Caroline. And he'd be lying if he said he loved the girl any less for it. But he'd never make the same mistake again.

His eyes snap open and he scowls when he realizes there was only one beating heart in the compound.

The two heartbeats that usually calmed him down were gone.

Stomping out of the compound he speeds towards the Bayou where he knew the sneaky wolf would be.

He snarls when he sees the alpha wolf rubbing his fur on Hayleys leg. Speeding in front of the body Celeste was currently inhabiting he glares softly down at the she wolf.

"Whatever she had told you is a lie." He states coldly. Angry and overwhelmed. First his family and now Hayley.

"This is my only chance at finally freeing my family." Hayley tries to explain. "Once the full moon come and goes she's all yours."

To Be Loved By A Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now