Mr. It Was All For You

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"Stefan Salvatore, to what do I owe the utmost pleasure?" Gabriel monotonously picks his phone up as Caroline finishes up her shower

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"Stefan Salvatore, to what do I owe the utmost pleasure?" Gabriel monotonously picks his phone up as Caroline finishes up her shower.

"Caroline needs to come back to Mystic Falls Gabe." Stefan says bluntly.

Gabriel blinks. "We're a bit occupied up here in New Orleans Ripper but right after that I'll get her home."

He goes to hang up but he hears Stefan's voice turn into desperation. "Wait! Gabriel you have to listen."

"Hm. I don't think I do, Salvatore." He scoffs.

"Caroline is pregnant." He blurts out.

Gabriel stands still. "What kind of joke is this? Did you eat a magic rabbit and now you've become the mad hatter? I don't know if you've noticed but she's a vampire."

"Caroline told you about Ric's wedding did she not? Joe was killed by Kai Parker."

"And how does this correlate to Caroline?" He hums.

"Joe was pregnant when she died. The Gemini Coven couldn't let the last of their legacy die so they transferred it to the closest abled body and that was Caroline. It was the last spell they ever did." Stefan argues.

Gabriel thinks back to when he had first seen her again after her return from Falls and the small magical aura now surrounding her.

Lightning strikes and Gabriel's fist clench. "I'll have to get back to you on that."

"Alaric shot himself days later with out knowing the truth." Stefan reveals.

Gabriel's eyes widen.

"Elena is in a permanent coma until Bonnie dies, courtesy of Kai. There's nothing that can be done."

"I feel better about keeping her here now than before." He scoffs.

"You know she would want to know and be here, Gabriel." Stefan sighs into the phone. It had been a hard few weeks for everyone in Mystic Falls. As soon as Kai had let that little piece of information slip everyone went haywire trying to get a hold of Caroline until they realized she was back in New Orleans.

"And what pray tell is Caroline supposed to do with a witch baby that doesn't have a mother or father." He grinds his teeth.

"You know Caroline, Gabriel." Stefan says, some what sympathetically.

Caroline exits the shower completely oblivious. "Hey once this thing blows over I think we need to have a serious conversation about our travel list. I mean don't you think Paris is a little corny?"

Gabriel gently pushes the woman against the wall with out responding and slams his lips onto her own. Caroline gasps in surprise but kisses back none the less.

Trying to be as discreet as possible he lays his palm against her stomach to see if he could possibly sense the pregnancy.

If he were a regular witch he would be in a world of pain but since he was a thousand year old tribrid he simply felt tiny bits of his magic being pulled from his body.

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