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Gabriel and Davina park their car right behind Klaus and Hayleys when they get to the country house and Davina looks even more confused than when they first left the compound when she notices Klaus and Hayley doting on a baby. "Dad..." She mutters.

Gabriel takes a deep breath, Elijah and Rebekah looking towards the car. "Little witch... You're about to meet your cousin. Hope Mikaelson."

Davina's eyes widen so much that for a second Gabriels afraid that her eyes might pop out of socket. "WHAT?!" She screams so loud that all of the supernatural creatures near the house wince.

"What have I missed?" Rebekah looks towards the other three adults curiously.

"I'm not the only one who's become a father, little sister." Klaus says with a wide smile. He was very glad that Gabriel had stopped him from using the little girl as a weapon all that time ago. She was an innocent that was used and neglected since birth, and now she was a Mikaelson.

"We faked her death so that we could keep her safe." He calmly admits.

Davina's reply is simply to jump out of the car and sprint towards the baby. She was a sucker for baby's. And now she had a little cousin to look after. This family welcomed her with open arms and now she would vow to protect Hope Mikaelson with everything in her.

Gabriel calmly gets out of the car, carrying Davina's bags and by the time he gets to the porch Davina was smooshing the poor baby's cheeks, fawning over the baby. Davina turns to Gabriel. "Can you have a baby?" She eagerly questions.

Gabriels face pales and his siblings all laugh but as he looks to Hayley she looks down in somewhat guilt and sadness. They had talked about babies before she turned into a hybrid and now she didn't think she could even have kids. Not to mention there was something very big she hadn't told him yet.

"Maybe one day, my little witch. You're all I need for right now." He ruffles her hair but she swats his hand away.

He turns to Hope in Klaus' arms and his smile widens. "Ah! One of my favorite girls!" He exclaims.

When the baby squeals out a laugh all the adults look at him in disbelief. "She hasn't laughed that hard this whole time I've had her." Rebekah complains.

"Nor has she looked this happy the entire time I've been here." Elijah comments. He looks to Klaus to see if he's become jealous or angry like one would think  he would but it makes Elijah happy when he realizes Niklaus didn't care, he was just happy Gabriel would care for her as much as he would.

"That's because uncle Gabriel is your favorite, isn't that right my littlest wolf!" He softly exclaims. Beaming when Hope reaches her arms out for him, wanting him to hold her instead of Klaus who chuckles at the baby. Gabriel brings her into his arms and she lays her head down on his chest, babbling on and on in some baby dialect.

To Be Loved By A Mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now