35 • Tapping on my window • 35

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I walked straight past their concerned expressions and ran up the stairs

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I walked straight past their concerned expressions and ran up the stairs. I cursed myself for allowing Sebastian to take me home. It should have been Billy. If Billy had taken me home, I would have been able to walk out of the front door and go back to his or anywhere, but here.

I decided to go to the only place my parents wouldn't realise I could be. It was the only place that would make them assume I'd left the house if they came looking for me.

I entered my bedroom and stepped straight over to my window seat. I opened my bedroom window and climbed out, not bothering to shut the window behind me. This way if my mom comes looking for me she will assume I've climbed out of the window and probably gone to Taylor or Joe's. I was convinced my mother's knowledge wasn't a stranger to my escape route. There is a reason I always came first when we went rock climbing. I was still pretty sure she'd gotten rid of the vines outside of my window first because of that, but she still hadn't gotten rid of the ones outside Harry's. Hopefully I will still be able to take advantage of that.

I climbed out of my window and cautiously made my way along the slates before finding the usual spot I'd perch on. The roof was a lot quieter than it had been the last time I went on it. The sun was about to set and there was no one in the garden, which at this moment, probably made it my second favourite place to go to when I wanted to be alone.

I sat on the roof in silence as I tried to think about nothing. I don't want to think about anything.

However, the place where I wanted to use as refuge didn't remain a place of isolation for long. Someone tapped on my window, making me realise my the corner I had crawled into was more obvious than I first thought.

I didn't even look over my shoulder to see who it was. I knew whoever it was, wasn't going to just leave me me alone. They'd come out here to talk to me, reason with me, persuade me to go downstairs and everything else that I don't want to do. Nobody listens to anybody when they want space. I should have left.

"Hey." Someone said, sitting down besides me, so close that their shoulder brushed with mine.

I recognised the voice instantly. It was too reserved to be Tommy's and too empathetic to Sebastian's. It was Harry.

"I guess cutting those vines down is why you haven't left?" Harry said, a tinge of hilarity to his voice.

I didn't look in his direction, I kept my eyes focused on the pool. "I wanted to be alone." I stated, my voice softer and far more fragile sounding than I would have liked.

"Too bad you can't always have what you want." He said, I could practically hear the smirk on his face through his voice.

"Harry." I snapped, turning to look to him. "Can we not do this now?"

Harry met my gaze, analysing my eyes as I watched him scan my face. Any emotional response he had to my now glassy eyes, he covered quickly by looking towards the pool, just like I had done moments before.

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