21 • My stepsister sleeps around • 21

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The football game was violent. Long Shore High and Longview High's football players all had it out for each other. Well, Long Shore High seemed to be taking every opportunity to attack Longview.

Part of me felt that I had contributed to the violence of the game. I was like the lighter to a firework. As much as I didn't want to hurt Tommy, I couldn't care less about Sebastian or Harry or even the rest of the team. It was hard to ignore that I hadn't just pissed off my stepbrother's. The whole football team were mad. Why? Well, at Long Shore High I was pretty sure it was treacherous to even so much as smile at someone from Longview High, let alone kiss the captain of the rival football team. I was in bed with the enemy.

"Ouch." Taylor said as we watched Milo, a football player for Longview High and Billy's friend, get pushed to the floor by none other than Jack Williams. The ref blew the whistle and Jack was benched. But, it was hard to ignore just how violently Jack had gone for him. "That must have hurt." Taylor finished.

I rolled my eyes. "I see Jack's jumping on the opportunity to injure one of Longview High's best players."

Taylor nodded, but she watched Milo carefully. "He's getting up. I think he's okay."

I smiled. "Good, the last thing I want to do is help put someone in hospital."

Taylor sighed. "It's not like you'd be putting them in hospital. They're all responsible for their own actions."

I rolled my eyes. "God, you sound like my mother." As I finished my sentence a disturbing thought entered my mind and I turned to Taylor with a guilty mischievous smile. "Is it bad that I wish Jack Williams hadn't been benched solely for the reason that I would have loved to have seen him punched in the face?"

Taylor turned to me with a serious face, "yes, but Jack Williams deserves everything he gets. I've never heard anything good about Jack Williams."

I raised my eyebrows at Taylor, "Really? You got any more rumours you've heard about him that can dish some dirt on one of Sebastian's friends?"

I felt my curiosity spiking. I'd never liked Jack Williams, but despite him having the audacity to remind me I'm a Lakewood, I haven't been made aware of any red flags around him.

Taylor shrugged. "I've never liked him. He once grabbed my ass at one of Jason's party's." Taylor said, clenching her jaw. 

I huffed and glared at him, who did he think he was?

"I can't wait for the day that boys realise that girls don't like it when guys grab their asss' It's preditorial and creepy." I stated.

Taylor nodded, "It's sexual assault, yet people seem to forget that. I mean, Taylor Swift didn't go through a very publicised court case for guys not to realise that grabbing someone's ass is not okay!" She paused, realising she was steering away from she had been telling me about Jack. " Look, don't ask me why Jack was invited to Jason's party. The Lord only knows that. He probably gate crashed or to do with football or something. But, I'll tell you something. Jason doesn't like him either."

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