44 • Unsettling revelations on the bleachers • 44

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When we got home from the lighthouse, we found my Mom waiting in the kitchen. She was drinking a glass of red wine and to put it shortly — she looked pissed off.

Much to my dismay, i found out she had spoken to my Dad and was told that I walked out of the restaurant. First she wanted an explanation, but I was quiet. I had nothing to explain. I had told her before I went that I wasn't ready and I don't feel ready to be okay with what happened. I was pissed off and I knew I had the right to be. I didn't care if they didn't like it.

When my Mom was done yelling at me, she said she was going to bed because she had some case that she was prepping for. Peter then told me not to take her frustration to heart completely and she'll come around. From his perspective she was stressed about the case and didn't need to be worrying about me.  I wanted to say I didn't need her to be worrying about me, but I decided to bite my tongue.

When Monday came around, I had practically spent the weekend thinking. There was still stuff I didn't know and I wanted answers now more than ever. Sebastian wasn't telling me everything and whatever he was keeping a secret, Jack Williams probably knew too. I couldn't be sure whether Harry and Tommy knew too, but they seemed to know about Jack and Keira so I couldn't deny the possibility they might know something else too.

On Monday, Harry and Tommy wouldn't leave me alone. They even came and sat with me at lunch before my friends got there, saying they were just trying to keep me company. I could see where they were coming from, but their constant attention was suffocating. It was like they were trying to keep an eye on me, but I don't need them to baby-sit me.

After school, I sat on the bleachers waiting for them to finish football practice. At first, I spent the first couple of minutes trying to do some work for English class. My efforts were futile as I got distracted pretty quickly when someone came up the bleachers and sat besides me, despite there being many other available spaces around us.

"Charlotte." They said, causing me to look up at them and see Freya was the one who had so kindly graced me with her presence. "Hey."

Freya gave me her classic sweet smile as she looked over my face, waiting for my response as her chestnut eyes gazed at me brightly.

"Hi." I said, shifting in my seat. It was the first time I had ever really been alone with Freya. "You here for my stepbrothers?"

Freya nodded slowly. "Sort of," She said, he gaze drifting over to look at the pitch. "I'm also here to see you."

I felt my spine straighten slightly and my body twisted towards her gently. "Me?"

I was confused. I knew I had been wanting to speak to Freya for quite some time now, but I had never really had her alone. Right now, I knew this was the perfect time I could ask her about all the things she seemed to know. I just didn't know if she knew that there were some things I had been wanting to ask her.

"Yes you, silly." She smiled. ""I'm guessing you have a million other things to do than watch their stupid practice. They're your ride, right?"

I nodded. "Unfortunately."

She gave me a smile. "Well, that's something you and I have in common. Sebastian's giving me a ride home too."

"He is?"

"Mmh." Freya affirmed, her chestnut eyes focusing on the pitch until they found Sebastian.

I couldn't help, but watch her as watch Sebastian move about the field. A hint of pride swirled round in her chestnut eyes as he swiftly guided the ball exactly where he wanted it to go. The corners of Freya's lips twitched up into a smile.

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