43 • Loyalty works both ways • 43

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The silhouette of the lighthouse stood apart from the dark night time sky behind it

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The silhouette of the lighthouse stood apart from the dark night time sky behind it. The white paint was chipped just like the last time I had been here, looking like it hadn't been repainted for years. No beacon of light caught my attention from the tip of the building. The lighthouse was nothing, but a relic left and forgotten about to decay.

I froze as my eyes focused in on the door ahead of me. I could see Alice and me running towards the door ahead of me, trying to shelter ourselves from the rain. The two girls were laughing as they clung onto each other as they disappeared through the darkness of the doorway.

I neared the door and pushed it open, holding it open for her as if she was right behind me and ready to follow me inside.

Inside, the old creaky staircase looked the same as it had done before. The wood was rotten and seemingly unstable, but I had always run up it anyway.

I made my way over to the stairs and I took the first step. I could almost feel someone behind me reaching out to grab my arm and clutch me close to them. I could almost feel her pulling me by her side, getting me to stick close to her as we made our way up to the stairs.

The more steps I climbed, the more the grip on my arm tightened, holding me back as I tried to carelessly make my way up the fragile staircase. Her grip pulled me back, keeping me cautious as I tried to reach the top.

"Careful, Charlie." She whispered in my ear, so close that I could almost feel her warm breath in my ear. "I don't want to be explaining to Mom and Dad why we had to take a trip to the emergency room."

My stomach tied in knots as I wanted to look besides me, to bring me back to reality, but I didn't want to. I let myself get tricked by the memories resurfacing in my mind as If they weren't memories at all.

"Charlie!" I heard someone shout, but this time not from besides me, but from above me.

I froze as I almost saw the two figures run up the stairs, in fits of giggles as they reached the top. With the death of their laughter, the clutching hand around my arm faded and I was alone again.

I huffed when a desolate silence encased the stairwell once again. An itching in my heart lured me to walk up the stairs faster to get it back.

Every step felt like it was purposely put in my way, preventing me from getting to the top. The darkness surrounding me, prevented me from seeing everything clearly. I could barely keep my eyes on each step as I put my weight down on each step I climbed.

A slight sound graced my ears as I took a couple more steps. A quiet murmur subtly existed in the quietude that had encased me. With every step, I tried to strain my ears even more, but
voices only returned when I grew closer to the top. A flutter of something floated around in the air like musical notes as I picked up on the sound of laugher, growing louder and louder until it was like the person laughing was right next to me.

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