Chapter 11: A Date?

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*Alexa Shiffer*

"Are you sure it's okay for me to sit with you again?" Awh, too cute. Lucas had been sitting at our table for the past few days but still asked every time.

"Of course!" I laughed, "I already told you, you can sit here whenever you want."

He smiled sheepishly before sitting down next to me. For the majority of the lunch break we sat listening to other people's convosations on our table, chipping in now and then. Adriana hadn't been in for the past few days and it seemed quieter without her everyday.

Just as the bell rang, Lucas grabbed my hand discretely and tugged me down to stop me from leaving. He waited until everyone else on the table had gone before finally releasing his tight grasp on my wrist. When I turned to look at him, he was staring at the ground, his cheeks darkening as he realised I was waiting for him to talk.

"Hey, I was just wondering if you were planning to do anything tomorrow night," his gaze refused to meet my eyes. I couldn't help a tiny smile from creeping onto my face as he figured I was waiting for him to look at me before I answered. The guys here are usually so confident, what made Lucas so different?

"Why, what were you planning?" I noticed his blue eyes flicking around shyly as he quietly cleared his throat.

"I just thought that maybe, you know, if you were free, that we could go to the movies or something.. Only if that's okay.." I was tempted not to answer just to make him blush again but figured it was kinda cruel so to save him the awkwardness, replied instantly.

"Sure." I think he was expecting more than that. I wonder how many girls he's asked out before because he doesn't seem that experienced.

"Erm.. Great.." he mumbled once again finding the floor interesting, "so, I'll pick you up at 7?"

"Nodding, I smiled and turned to walk to class, which I later regretted, feeling mean to have left him standing there-

Wait. Did Lucas just ask me out?


I was pacing around my little room, the walls smelling of recently applied blue paint, when the doorbell went off. Usually, I would leave it for my mom to answer but both my parents had gone out to see a sick work friend so I was all alone.

I creaked down the stairs wondering who would be at the door. A panic hit me as I strained my neck into the white washed hallway to catch a glimpse of the clock. Was it seven already? 5:26. Okay, I still had about an hour and a half but I was stressing.

Standing on my tiptoes, my parents being the tall people they are, I peeked through the little peep-hole in the door only to let out a heavy breath I didn't even realise I was holding. I could spot those pale green eyes anywhere.

As I opened the door, now relaxed, I couldn't help but think how Natalie's eyes were green, and so were Jordan's, but there was something in his eyes that hers lacked- definitely not the sparkle but maybe just the warmth. What am I talking about? Jordan- warmth? It must be the stress.

I was greeted surprisingly- or not- with a huge bear hug from a very, maybe even more than usual, smiley Natalie.

"Lexi!" I cringed internally, closing the door. No one calls me that, but then again this is Natalie we're talking about and you can hardly call her a no one.

"Nat!" I tried, returning the gesture, my mind being somewhere else. She murmured something but the cogs were already working too fast.


She huffed playfully.

"Wake up sleepy-head" she said whilst poking me repeatedly in the forehead, "you've got a date to go on!"

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