taking the pain or joining it

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Go with Tobi and backstab my comrades maybe "friends" people would say or wait until they backstab me... It's not like they already did.

Naruto knew that none of these options were good and since one has already happened with a few of his "friends" stabbing him in the back, but he would have to choose one since it was 3days till the fox hunt or so he would say, his birthday. He knew there wasn't much time to think about what he was going to decide  after all tobi only gave him a few days to think before he comes back to either kill him because Naruto didn't agree to come with him or take him because he agreed on joining the akatsuki.The group wanting world peace.

Naruto would use his free time to train and meditate to calm himself down and keep him distracted, but none of them worked to keep his mind off about the big decision in 3 days. His mental instability has increased  by a lot since he had left for the mission with his comrades. The night terrors that keep plaguing his mind.

The only times when he wasn't restless is when he stayed up not even trying to sleep just to keep him from getting night terrors but still he would still get flashes of images in his mind of the beatings, the sexual assaults, the replay of his lover dying in his head over and over saying it was his fault ect. His night terrors would get worse every night, it makes them seem like they are real and that he is experiencing it. If he would try to sleep he would still wake up from the night terrors not even getting a peep of sleep. He was getting less and less sleep by the days, it's not like he is getting any sleep but going back "home" in 2days. These terrifying dreams make him feel pain and pain, his night terrors are even worse than death.

Both options would lead Naruto to a hellish life, however what obito said that all the akatsuki was like him and that he would have an actual home to come to and a real family. That he could make world peace and to be loved and be free. He would have a feel of an actual family. Not to mention he could get stronger by the help of Tobi which is not a bad idea. Bonus points if he finds a blood relative but that would be rare.

'kurama I have decided to take Tobi's offer.'

'okay kit yh u can read your mind so I already know why. This is risky tho because they may betray you or Tobi might just kill you by just wanting to extract me from you'

' you are probably right but I can try and convince them that i can lend them power by helping them with trying to take world peace but if push comes to show I will escape.'

'got it kit I will support you'

'thank you kurama'

"Now about these 'friends of mine........" Naruto mumbled, taking out a pen and paper as he began working on a goodbye letter. He would leave it in the tent, he was once again sharing a tent with sasuke. However because of yesterday's speech given to everyone Sasuke wasn't going to be back by the end of the day since he is apparently thinking about his life choices.
That's way more than enough to write the letter and go.

As he was about to sign his name he hear the zipper of the tent unzip and Naruto quickly  the paper.
"N-naruto kun? It's me hinata can I come in?" Naruto thought about leaving then and there but the zipper to the tent was open and he could sense chakra coming from hinata so he already knew he couldn't escape because hinata activated her byakugan.

"Come in." He sighed. Would he ever get privacy? She had to activate her byakugan to see if he was there not even knocking on the tent.

She entered, "w-what w-were you writing?" She asked trying to stutter less. She had given up on Naruto since she knew that he wasn't interested in her but started to form a knew crush on Kiba, she started to gain more confident when confronting him.

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