1. the night in question

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A good night's shag always led to unmitigated disastrous things like sleeping over. The possibility of cuddling. Seeing the actual face of the night's shag without the aid of alcohol dizzied blood. All rubbish things that only ever had rights on movies and the occasional billionaire romance novel.

It became worse once you realized the shag had been... not it.

Not it the opposite of a bad way. Not it in the way that you understand only psychopaths would buy an android then proceed to get an iMac because it made sense. It never did make any sense. To buy an android meant pledging fealty to HP and other some such devices. What the fuck was an iMac bringing to the table?

Chastity Kioko looked at the hand cupping her, frankly, barely there left boob. Righty also suffered the same affliction but the warm mitten was on the left and so that was the one that had suffered Chastity slight humiliation. Their head was heavy on her chest and their right foot was resting over her left.

It was cuddling alright.

Problem was, the limbs and the softness and the warm mitten belonged to one, Ivy Ototi. Best friend since they had shared a knowing looking in class two. The one person who was so far off Chastity's shag list, it was incredible. The one person who was not supposed to be naked, cuddling her, after a fantastic night of unspeakable sinning.

Then they all came back, swimming gloriously in her mind – the foggy memories. The drinking. The giggling. The occasional whispering to each other how pretty they looked that night. The giggling as they went on to hide in the only empty room in the office. The swaying about as they spoke in that romantic manner that made Chastity want to throw up in outraged embarrassment. Then the kissing that became so hot they called an uber to take them to her place.

The perfect sinning through the night that had led to a possible three orgasms and a very restful night. That plus a dead arm Ivy had been snuggling on.

It took everything in Chastity's power not to groan in complete abashment. What the fuck had she done?

Because she was a woman who did womanly things like standing up to her mistakes, she slowly tried to pull away from under Ivy. Despite her friend being a heavy sleeper, it was morning, the sun was shining brightly and so she was liable to being stirred awake rather quickly.

Chastity huffed and puffed until she was free of limbs she'd only ever thought of as platonically attractive and begun picking up her things like a fucking sinner in church. Why she was planning on escaping from her own goddamn flat, she didn't know. Why she was trying to ghost her best friend (technically known as only friend), was another matter entirely. Hell, she didn't even have a place to escape to when the only person she would occasionally turn to was sprawled on her bed all sinful like.

"Shit, shit, shit," she whispered as she slid on her knickers, trying her level best not to fall over or hop too loudly lest she heard something sensible form in her head.

Ivy stirred. This worried Chastity so much she all but sprinted out of the bedroom and locked herself in the bathroom like the well-adjusted adult she was.

Her leg bummed up and down as she sat restlessly on the toilet, waiting for something – anything – to happen. She wondered how long it was going to take for Ivy to realize what had happened. Naturally, she was supposed to scream. It made every logical sense. She'd never thought of Chastity like that. Yes, they'd kissed once or ten thousand times but that was in that platonic manner. The one that suggested you were more closely related to family than a sex partner. They'd laughed at the mere suggestion that someone thought them a couple.

"HA! A couple? Maybe at the end of the world!" Ivy had retorted one too many times, always managing to slap Chastity right across her back.

One too many times the small answer had... rubbed Chastity the wrong way. Again, not because she harboured any unnatural feelings for her best friend who she'd once said was like a sister to her during a barely memorable birthday. It was because, well, Chastity was a gift to the world. An anointed one. Anyone who dared spare a glance her way was liable to blindness in her book. So it made no sense that Ivy would have thought her not good enough for a relationship until the possible ending of the world.

She had been in the same place for far too long. Ivy was clearly not waking up and so Chastity took in a deep breath, reasoned it was time to change her air freshener to that grape scent Ivy always lamented about, and poked her head out.

The corridor was empty. Thank fuck.

She stepped out of the bathroom and again, because she was completely well-adjusted, pattered to her bedroom to find Ivy seated, watching her through slit eyes.

Chastity wished she'd just escaped outright.

"Really?" Ivy crossed her hands over her very bare chest. She, unlike Chastity, had bodacious breasts. Against better judgement, memory of Chastity worshiping those brown, brown nipples slithered into her mind and she looked away. It was very improper to have improper thoughts about your best friend who was about to have a verbal go at you.

"What?" she inquired in that innocuous manner she only ever used on her supervisor. She immediately hated herself and for that, she stood upright and tried to adjust the t-shirt she'd thrown on inside-out.

The 'what' turned out to be the worst possible thing she could say because Ivy flipped the sheets off of herself and climbed out of the bed. Like everything else, Chastity had seen Ivy naked one too many times to count but that time, it suddenly counted. She'd never really noticed how her legs were ridiculously long or how she moved like a fucking swan. All grace where there shouldn't be any. Even the way she bent to pick up her clothes was not right. Picking up clothes generally entailed a small dose of clumsy. Not in Ivy's book though.

Ivy slid on her white silk shirt. She only ever wore fine, natural material. "Were you really trying to run away?" she asked as she did the buttons whilst trying to reach out for her camisole.

Chastity hoped against all hope that her face was schooled into utter confusion. "No!" she said in aghast as she wiped her palms over her t-shirt. "Why would I even try to run away from my own house? It's mine, you know."

Ivy tried to make her braids as neat as possible as she pulled them up into a bun, securing them with a silk scarf. She sighed once she was done, the fight that was gathering on her face completely vanishing and was instead replaced by that calm happy look she always had on. "Look," she said as she picked up her clutch from the drawer chest, walking expertly towards Chastity, "what happened last night was no big deal, okay? We had one too many. Got horny like we always do but because we were the only ones comfortable with each other, well... things happen. We are growing girls."

"We are twenty eight."

"Don't be pedantic. We did what we did. We got off and now, it's a new day. A day full of possibilities like putting this situation out of our minds, yeah?" She rested her hand on Chastity's shoulder, giving her that look. The one where the infinitesimally smart person always gave the dumb person as they tried to explain the simplest of concepts.

Chastity nodded. It was a good nod.

"Perfect. Now, I am not going to leave your house like a thief in the night so I'm going to make myself breakfast, eat to my fill then leave for home. I expect you to join me after you've located your pants."

She left and just like that, everything was back to the way it was always supposed to be.


Author's Note

So one of my characters has some very stripper sounding name. I realized that way later and I just decided not to change it. 

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