19. every night is a thousand more without you

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Ivy was trying not to get too lost in herself – in the joy that started to feel very short lived. Something in Chastity's demeanour had changed right after they had left their small horny bubble and she was starting to believe she'd gone and done something ridiculous.

Had it been the pegging stuff? She was only half serious about it. It was not like it was a do all end all kind of situation. If she could go back, she would and shut herself up before she said anything. Why had she suggested pegging?

Then again, they had been in the moment. Things were usually said in the moment. She just hadn't accounted for the fact that her fantasies could sometimes scare other people off case in point, Chastity.

Ivy had tried not to think about it. Tried not to have her pessimism get the best of her but as the day came to a much needed end and Chastity asked if she could just go home by herself because she mysteriously had plans, cold feet become of her. She hadn't even spared her a glance as she excused herself and followed after fucking Brent.

This in turn made her snippy with anyone who had dared talk to her. She was so explosive she'd done the undoable – scared a matatu conductor. By the time she got home, her blood was boiling and mental Chastity was at a corner, apologizing for what she had done.

"Look at you." Ivy sighed. She had forgotten Pendo was rooming with her. "Being the sugar mummy I never knew I needed. Do you know I don't feel weird that my little sister is bailing me out? I'm reaching new heights of zen, mind I still think it's a thoroughly daft concept." She looked up from her laptop, a smile wide on her face. It dropped immediately. "Why do you look like you want to commit murder?"

Ivy carefully removed her black pumps and slid on some house slippers, trying and failing for permanent stoicism in her own house. "I think I did something stupid and now it's coming to bite me and I have no idea how to help myself."

Pendo pushed her laptop away and sat upright. "What happened?"

In all of Ivy's life, she understood one thing of her older sister; when she gave you her full attention, you took it and never questioned it. It was rare to have Pendo focus on any one thing and when she did, whoever received it felt like they were watching a comet fly by. It was one of those things that was so rare you savoured it.

She plopped herself on the love seat and stared at her hands. It was then or never, she realized as she said, "I am sleeping with Chastity." Pendo was quiet, clearly waiting for more. "And now I think she wants nothing to do with me or at least it kind of feels like that. There is a slight possibility that I am being paranoid plus there is fucking Brent and I don't know what his deal is."

"This sound deliciously dramatic." Ivy snorted as Pendo pulled her feet under her. "How long have you been sleeping together and who even is Brent? Don't take your time. Give me a proper summary."

Ivy gave her the most proper summary she could master under such short notice. She'd been proud of just how well she'd done it.

"So Brent is gay—"


"And has a boyfriend who has been a bit of an asshole to him so somewhere in your mind you decided he has fallen in love with Chastity and that she feels the exact same way because their mums want them to be together?"

"Don't make me sound stupid," Ivy snapped.

Pendo shrugged. "I'm not doing anything. You are stupid. Taking into account your weird feelings about Brent and everything else I have forgotten, you thought it was a bright idea to sleep with the woman you've been in love with since forever and put a time stamp to the whole situation? Why do you sound messier than me and I'm the one who burnt down a school church?"

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