Chapter 4 The repulsion

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"I thought our roots were deep and unmoving.

But it only took one storm.

For our love to be uprooted and ailing.

"You are 10 minutes 5 second late. Miss Vivian."

He says, boring holes into my eyes as I look down.
Shifting my weight from one leg to another.

"Eth-...Sir you see what happened was-"

He shows me his hand, asking me to shut it as he focuses on a man standing next to him, seeing the files he was offering.

Ignoring me.

Biting my lip,I try to calm my breath till they engage in this conversation.
My twisted ankle from yesterday is swollen now and walking hurts like sh**.

But he doesn't wish to even hear the truth, thinking it to be an excuse.

Fine with me. He can think whatever he wants to.

15 minutes of ignoring me,he finally dismisses the person.
Folding his fingers,his elbows on the table and placing his chin on his hand.

"So Miss Vivian. Let's get few things straight before we begin."

"First. I hate tardiness. The next time you are even a second late. You will be fired."

"But Eth-"

"Second. I hate people interrupting me. When I speak you listen. And unless I ask you something...keep your mouth shut."

I gulp. Looking down. Damn man he is grown too intimidating with years.

"Third.Nothing personal comes here in this office.What you do after office hours is none of my concern but what you do here, each second is accountable to me."

I gulp again nodding.

"Is that understood?"

I nod to only hear silence in return. I look up to see his gaze hardened at me.

What wrong did I do now?

"I have not hired robots here,have I Miss Vivian?"

" Sir"

"Then I need a verbal response from you every time I ask something."

"Yes Sir. Okay."

"And yes a special rule. Rule no 4 specially for you."

Oh boy this doesn't sound good. Ignore this rule Vivian. His words don't define you.
I look up to see him already staring at me....why does he look so angry with me all the time?

"If I see you flirting or opening your legs for any man in this office Miss Vivian. Trust me I will first fire you to be followed by him."

What does he think of me ? Did he really said that?


I wanted to defend myself but he dismissed me by just saying his point.Interrupting me.

"Now get out. Sally outside will explain you your work."

My mouth opened and closed and before I know ,he was busy calling someone.
Disregarding my presence completely.

I just look at his face one last time before turning around to leave.
Opening the door and closing it slowly.

How can he say things like that? He was so sweet back then and now...

"Miss Vivian?"

I see a lady of nearly 45 approaching me with a gentle smile. Returning it ,I nod at her and she asks me to tag along.

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