Chapter 11 The third heart

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"What the hell was that?"

Gloria says, blocking Ethan's path as he tried to side walk her.

"Not now Gloria."

He seethed at her, but she refused to let him go. Blocking his path.

"You never shoot with anyone, not even me! Then why the fuc* did you shoot with her!!"

Avoiding looking at her and venting out his anger . He just breathes heavily closing his eyes.

"I am your girlfriend...yet you go and shoot with her as she clinges to you like a desperate who**!"

"Just shut it !!"

He shouted at her and this time, his voice caught everyone's attention including Vivian's.

Gloria scoffs stepping closer to him and whispering in his ear, making his fists to clench.

"Don't tell me you like that assistant of yours now? Have you fuc** with her already?"

Holding her wrist and dragging her along, he was ready to give her a piece of his mind.

Closing the vanity door with a loud thud, he pushes her back on the door and she looks up at him with those seductive eyes, trying to look innocent.
Pouting her lips, asking for a punishing kiss.

But before she could even start,Ethan shows her his finger.
Asking her to shut it.

He was in no mood to entertain her right now.

"Keep your bloody trap shut Gloria. Don't go around talking sh** when you don't know anything!"

Her persona changes from calm to furious in an instant.

"I know enough Ethan. I know enough!!"

"I am your girlfriend only for that tabloids and those stupid magazines! Other than that I am nothing for you!"

His eyes harden as he places his clenched fists on the door beside her, blocking her.

"It's good to know that you know your place already."

"You bast***! How dare you!'

That was it, Gloria raises her hand to slap him when he holds her wrist and slams them on the door above her head.

"I never gave you the right to be jealous about me and stop me from approaching or rather fuc**** another women."

She narrows her eyes at him, replying with hidden humour in her voice.

"So you have fuc*** her?"

Ethan saw red. Her words like petrol on the already burning fire in him.

"I may or I may not have."

He says breathing next to her ear, making a shiver to run down her spine.

"That's not your fuc**** business!"

Each word was laced in authority and she couldn't help cringe.

"Don't forget Gloria why I agreed to this fake pretence in the first place!"

She merely nods but he was not done yet.

Grabbing her chin harshly and jerking it up, he makes her look up at him.

"Do I need to remind you again?"

She moves her head in a no, scared and shaken.

"Answer me!'

He booms and she again flinched.To only stutter lowly.

" are only doing this only for business"

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