Chapter 28 The dream

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          Vivian's pov


The voices...the laughs...the looks are again shrouding me.
I fold my arms on my legs, pressing my knees to my chest.

Trying to block them.

Slowly counting in my mind, rocking my cold frame in a corner of the big canteen in the cell.
Trying to be invisible.


"Hey ugly bit**. Wanna try?'

Someone's interrupts my count and I look up ,afraid at the intruder.

To see the same girl who has been persistently being too friendly.

With tattoos all the way down her arms.
Piercings, almost everywhere on.
Her lip, eyebrow...
A cigarette in her between her fingers, as she offers it to me.

I gulp and move my head in a no, ignoring her and lowering my head back in my arms.

Continuing my count.


"Your loss. Anyways I have an inside information for you."

Her voice is low as she moves closer , the smell of smoke making me cringe.
Tightening my hands grip on my arms. I fasten my counting.


"I believe that you are innocent...."

My eyes immediately shot up. The word... much I have tried making them believe me.
But no one listens...they all call me a murderer.

Yet here this girl...she said she believed me?


I manage to say in my strained voice. My lips dry and chapped.

She smirks, looking around to make sure that no one was looking at us.
Once verified, she lowers herself to whisper in my ear.

"The doctors. They were paid by someone to keep their trap shut."

Furrowing  my eyebrows. I ask her in confusion.


She rolls her eyes. Her next words making my eyes to widen.

"The night after the muder. You were taken to the hospital....after it you don't remember what happened at the cliff.  It's like you have lost a fragment of your memory."

I lower my eyes, I know. That's why I have no evidence to prove myself.... because I can't remember.

"It' traumatic amnesia..."

I say lowly, looking at the grey old floor.
To only have her exclaim.


My confused eyes met her and she gritted her teeth.

"I checked your report girl. There is no amnesia. They are all fraudulent."

"But...I....can't remember...."

"That's because you were drugged. That night you were drugged with something that fuc*** with your memory."

"But...why? Why will anyone?"

"That's for you to find out scar. But remember the truth is not what always look like."

Her next words, making my mind go blank.

"You were framed Scar."

"And I hate to say this. But you and your little secret are not safe in this place."

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