Chapter 62 Vengeance

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The cold breeze hits her face as she looks at the men surrounding her.

Cleaning the tears running down her eyes.

"You want me right? I am here."

She says opening her hands and surrendering herself. Knowing well that she was outnumbered to defeat so many men alone.

If she can even keep Soph safe,it will be alot.

James approaches her, looking behind her to clench his fist.

"You bitc*! Go and get her!"

He orders and his men approach her. Guns pointed in their hands as they come closer to her.

She doesn't resist. Looking at James with dead eyes. As his men hold her arms roughly.

"Aren't you a clever girl?"

She scoffs, to only have James point his gun at her head. Ready to end her.

"I would love to see your father's face on seeing your corpse."

"What a cruel play of destiny."

"Any last words ?"

He asks loading the gun , to only have a tear slide down her eyes.

She says nothing, accepting it in silence.


He was going to shoot, when a voice calls from behind making him go still.

"Dad no! Please!"

James turns back to look at Elijah. His breathing heavy as he seemed to have run a mile to reach them.

Vivian's eyes met his, and they screamed betrayal. Father? He...Eli..he was this man's son.

Everything seemed to have collapsed right there. Trust, friendship, care? They all felt foreign now.

Deception the only thing present.


She barely whispered as Elijah's concerned eyes met hers. To land back at his father.

"Please leave her dad. She is innocent. What her father did is not her fault dad... please..."

James seethes.

"Innocent? No! No one is innocent! They all killed my love....they killed my wife...your mother! "

The man almost went crazy. And Elijah knew his father's madness well, he could do anything in it.

"How can you even say it? You should be ashamed of begging for her life."

Throwing aside the gun, he grabbed Vivian from her hair, to pull on her scalp. Moving her further back towards to cliff.

"Dad! No please! I please stop..."

He says coming closer slowly. To have James, almost make Vivian look down the cliff.

"I heard you don't know how to swim Vivian. Trust me death by drowning is the worst of it."

"Ahhh...noo... please..."

His tight grip, made her head to hurt. Tears falling down her eyes.

"And if by chance you survive? I will make sure you wished for death instead."

That was it, he pushed her back from the cliff, to only hear Elijah's scream.

"Vivian Nooooooooooo!"

He tried to grab onto her. But he is stopped by his father's men. They hold him back,as he thrashed in their grip, seeing her falling down.

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